1. He asked me if I had sent a telegram.
2. Nellie said she had read “Jane Eyre” the year before.
3. Robert said he hadn't been to the Philharmonic for a long time.
4. Mike said to his father he had taken a very good book from their library
the previous day.
5. I asked him to open the door.
6. Nick asked his mother if anybody had called that morning.
7. He said he seldom had gone to see his friend in May as he had been very busy.
8. She asked me if I had lived in Kharkiv ten years before.
9. She asked me if I had been present at the meeting the day before.
10. She asked me if I was going to leave Donetsk for the summer.
11. Jane said she was preparing for her test.
12. Brian said they hadn’t met Phil in the supermarket.
13. Nick said to his brother that he would never finish that work if his brother didn’t help him.
14. The artist told the children not to touch the wet paint.
15. Tina asked the workers when they would finish decorating the living
Dear Judy,
I was very pleased to have received your last letter. I understand that you are going through a difficult period now preparing for the exams. I was also extremely nervous about my exams but now I can get over any stressful sitiation whether it is related to exams or not.
Just for instance, like you I have to prepare for math and physics exams that are scheduled for June. But it doesn't mean I will sleep badly at night. Here I'll give you a couple of tips that will help you to deal with your fear that makes you so anxious all day long.
To begin with, you have to stop creating negative and painful scenes in your mind. In other words, turn off your imagination ! Those pictures that you are constantly drawing in you mind show you what will happen to you during the exams and terrible consequences if you fail them. Get rid of them immediately !
Secondly, you have to start to relate to the exams as if they are games. Just think about them like sporting events or whatever you like. Nothing serious, just games with no results or outcome.
I promise, these steps will definitely ensure you calmness and guarantee excellent marks ! The calmer you are, the better marks you get. Well, I think, that's all.
Good luck with your exams !
(тут Ваше имя на англ)