I saw a job posting on a website. You were looking for a person to become a journalist. I was very interested in this offer. I have no experience in this field, but quite recently I took courses in journalism and decided that I could cope with your duties. I am a very responsible person and I learn quickly. I like to learn something new and experience life. I really want to get a journalist position and try myself in this area.
Перевод: Я увидел объявления о вакансии на веб сайте. Вы искали человека на должность журналиста. Это предложение меня очень заинтересовало. У меня нет опыта в данной сфере, но совсем недавно я проходил курсы журналистики и решил что смогу справится с вашими обязанностями. я очень ответственный человек и быстро обучаюсь. мне нравится узнавать что-то новое и получать жизненный опыт. я очень хочу получить должность журналиста и попробовать себя в этой области.
English is not spoken by them in this shop.
Dennis was asked a question by Kevin.
The house was built by somebody last year.
He is given a box by her. A box is given to him by her.
He will be looked after by Max.
A big steak was brought to Fred by the waiter.
Our bungalow was broken into by somebody last Friday.
We were told a joke by the teacher. A joke was told to us by the teacher.
Doris will be met at the station by them.
I have not been sent the file by Michael. The file hasn’t been sent by Michael.