Дети были на уроке в загородном школы. Урок был о сезонах года . " Есть четыре сезона в году , " сказалучитель . " Они , весна, лето , осень и зиму . Весной тепло , и деревья зелены . Летом жарко , и естьмного цветов в полях, в парках и в садах . Осенью естьмного яблок . Они являются красный сладкий и хорошо поесть . зимой холодно и идет снег ... " Вдругучитель остановился и посмотрел на Джона. " Джон, перестать говорить ( перестань разговаривать !) Теперь, ответьте на мой вопрос ! Когдалучшее время для яблок ? " Это когдафермер не дома и нет собаки в саду ", сказал Джон
1)d 2)b 3)c 4)a 5)c 6)c II level 1)D 2) 1.T 2.F 3.T 4.F 3) The table is made of steel. My friend has just returned from Great Britain. Not very much is known about Shakespeare’s childhood. a-3 b-2 c-4 d-1 2. 1-c 2-h 3-e 4-a 5-f 6-I 7-b 8-d 9-g 3. * Excuse me, is this the swimming club? * Yes, can I help you, Miss? * I’d like to know how many swimming pools you have. -We have two swimming pools: small for children; big for those who can swim. * Do you have swimming groups? - Yes, we do. -How often do the swimming groups have lessons? * Swimming groups have lessons three times a week. * How does your swimming club work on weekdays? -On weekdays we work from 11am till 8pm. -How do you work on weekends? * We work from 10 a.m. to 7 p.m. on weekends. * Thank you very much for the information. Write about your visit to the theatre or to the cinema. (7-8 sentences) In December my friends and I went to see the new Star Wars film. It is the seventh episode and it is called ‘The force awakens’. I remember watching Star Wars movies when I was very little. That’s why I was very excited to see the new film. The film began at 4pm, so we met up at 3.30pm and went to buy some popcorn and juice. Then at 4pm we finally sat down to watch the film. I enjoyed it and thought it was very interesting.
I had left.3. All my friends were, I had passed.
4. Poor Oliver lay, Sikes had left.
5. He opened, looked, tried, what had happened.
6. All the passengers saw, the old man had travelled.
7. We came, he had returned.
8. My friend visited, he had lived.
9.They entered, the performance had begun.
10. My mother told, she had received.
11. Where had you worked, you entered.
12. He had studied, he entered.
13. Lanny said, he had got.
14. The boy wanted, he had organized.
15. Lanny did not know, who had attacked.
16. The girl was, she had found.
17. He remembered, he had not rung.
18. The train reached, he had made.
19. My uncle had left, he hurried.
20. She thought, Gert and Lanny had quarrelled.