Прочитайте выдержку из письма вашего друга по переписке на языке моники. напишите письмо монике и ответьте на ее вопросы. вы должны написать 90-110 слов. помните правила написания письма. you know, i've fallen out with my best friend.we've been friends for many years.now we are of kevin who first dated me and then kate.now i miss kate and i need your advice.do you think not talking to each other anymore.and all this because he's going out with another girl from our class.with your friend over something serious? how did i should speak to her? have you ever quarrelled you sort it out? написать письмо, имя я потом сама вставлю
2. It is important to formulate a common approach to tariffs.
3. It is not yet possible to submit for consideration draft proposals regarding trade in services.
4. Could mention the fact that Russia wants to get access before 2005.
5. Twelve months is a very short time to conduct 30 rounds of negotiations.
6. It is impossible to join the WTO without giving up the idea of the competition of domestic goods with imported goods.