Монарх без королевства 1. В ноябре этого года сто миллионов бабочек упадут с неба над Мексикой, как осенние листья. Но как долго? Генетически модифицированная кукуруза может означать исчезновение этой красивой бабочки. Сообщает Рафаэль Руис. I. В ноябре миллионы монархов падают ярким золотым дождем на леса в горах центральной Мексики. В тишине этих гор вы можете услышать странный хлопанье крыльев, когда монархи прибывают к месту назначения 1) I. Перед тем, как достичь конца своего путешествия, они столкнулись с сильным ветром, дождем и метелями, и не всем им удается добраться до места назначения. Когда зимы действительно плохие, возможно, часть из них не переживет. Их долгое путешествие в Мексико считается одним из самых удивительных событий на всем американском континенте. Когда они прибудут туда, они останутся там до начала апреля, когда их внутренний календарь скажет им, что пора возвращаться. 2). IV. Теперь этим хрупким созданиям угрожает опасность другого научного прогресса. 3) половина бабочек, питающихся листьями генетически модифицированной кукурузы, погибает в течение 48 часов. Не все эксперты согласны с тем, что этот сорт кукурузы несет ответственность за угрозу для монархов. Несмотря на эти сомнения, Европейский союз отказался одобрить новые культуры генетически модифицированной кукурузы до тех пор, пока не будут проведены дальнейшие исследования. Лабораторные эксперименты показали, что А. В США миллионы ферм выращивают генетически модифицированную кукурузу, которая является чистым ядом для бабочек.
We came to the sea, by car. We were greeted by warm weather and a very kind woman, who is the hostess in the house where we will live. Mom and dad took out suitcases with things, we settled down and on the first day went to the sea, it can be seen from our window.
The whole day the sea was stormy, this is when the waves are very high, almost as tall as my father, they reach unprecedented heights, says my mother, even several stories high. It was scary even to approach the sea, people who were specially trained walked along the shore and made sure that no one went into the water, it is very dangerous, it can carry away.
The next day we went to sunbathe again, the sea was calmer, but still people did not let the vacationers swim, it was a bit of a shame, but the main thing is that the sea is not far from home, we could go back and forth often. We decided on this day just to sunbathe, lie on special chairs for tanning, there were not so many people, and they were free. Sometimes the waves even reached us, drowned our flip-flops in the water, once even the towel got wet, my mother gave me hers.
On the third day, we were already walking and did not expect to swim, but it was already allowed, the sea was calm, and finally we swam, sunbathed, and ate corn. The man who sold it made up funny poems about it. We were laughing.
Sometimes it rained, I went outside, there was a gazebo, looked at the mountains in the distance and read books.
Then we went to these mountains, they were called gorges, there you had to go on foot, I thought that these were obstacles on the way. There were rocks, we jumped on them, some thin logs that you had to step on to cross the streams, there were descents and steep ascents, but we went and did not complain, even though it was very hot sun.
We first came to the moonstone, and my mother said that there is a belief that the moonstone brings energy to anyone who touches it with his hand. I held it for a while, and it really felt like I was charging up. Then we went along another road and came to a huge waterfall, my mother stood right under the water, said that the water was cold. And my dad and I climbed to the top of the cliff so that my mom could take photos with us. It was a little scary, because it was very slippery, we could have fallen from a great height, but it was good that we didn't fall.
Of course, I didn't want to leave, because it means that I have to go to school soon, but I just liked the sea. It's fun there, we swam a lot, sunbathed and walked all together. And they also brought various souvenirs from the sea, a lot of magnets.