london is the capital of great britain
Измените эти предложения на настоящее продолженное, где это возможно, делая все необходимые изменения. Пример: у них вечеринки по воскресеньям. - У них сейчас вечеринка. 1. У нее длинные темные волосы. 2. У них много друзей. 3. Она принимает душ каждые вечер. 4. Хелен часто болтает с Робертом. 5. Обычно мы хорошо проводим время выходные дни. 6. У меня денег меньше, чем раньше. 7. Она любит домашних животных. 8. Есть ли у нее телефон в ее новой квартире? 9. Он каждый вечер плавает. 10. У нас много веселье после работы.
everyone dreams of his or her ideal house . l am not an exception . I dream of a house which is plased on the outskirts of the big city. The house should be a two- storey one and have an attic . There should also be a big yard surrounded by the fence. As the house is located on the outskirts there should be a garage for two cars. It would be wonderful to have a garden with fruit trees , a playground, a bath - house and a workshop. There should be a porch where I can have tea with my friends. When you enter the house , you see the wooden staircase . There are a living room , a kitchen and a dining room with the exit to the backyard on the ground floor . There are bedrooms for my family and guests on the first floor . The halls should be wide and the rooms should be large and well - lit . Of course , there should be a bathroom on the ground floor and two bathrooms on the first floor. To sum it up , it is necessary to say a few words about the interior of the house of my dream . On the one hand , it should be modern as much as possible , equipped with different devices and special equipment . On the other hand , there should be a lot of house of my dream . It is necessary to be close to nature.
Олейник Таисия .