Use the words to make up sentences in the Present Perfect Tense. 1.I /tidy up /my / room 2.She /eat/ candy floss 3.He /go / souvenir / shopping 4.We / read / this / book 5.They / travel / Europe
Aren’t you about to finish with the dishes? You (have been washing) the dishes for thirty minutes or more. How long can it take you to wash the dishes? We have been/gone to the Steak House restaurant many times. The food is excellent. A: What is that sound? B: A car alarm (is ringing) somewhere down the street. It (drives) me crazy —I wish it would stop! It (has been ringing) for more than twenty minutes. Can you translate this note from Stockholm? I understood Swedish when I (was) a child, but I (have forgotten) it all. What’s that dent in the side of the car? Have you (had) an accident? I’m sorry, John’s not here; he (has gone) to the dentist. He (has been having) trouble with a tooth for some time. This cassette recorder is broken. Have you (been playing) about with it? Your Italian is very good. Have you (studied) it long? Do you mind if I clear the table? Have you (had) enough to eat? Ann has never (gone) camping. She (has not slept) in a tent. Frank, where have you been? We (have been waiting) for you since 1 p.m. I’m not surprised he (has failed) that exam. He (has not been working) hard recently.
Согласно одной легенде, в первый день марта вышла на опушку леса красавица Весна, огляделась и увидела как на проталинке, в зарослях терновника пробивается из-под снега подснежник. Она решила ему и начала расчищать вокруг землю, освобождая его от колючих ветвей. Зима увидела это и рассвирепела. Взмахнула руками, призвала холодный ветер со снегом, чтобы уничтожить первоцвет. Слабый цветок поник под жестоким ветром. Но Весна прикрыла руками росток и укололасьтерновником. Из её пораненной руки упала капля горячей крови, и цветок ожил. Так Весна победила Зиму. Цвета мэрцишора символизируют её красную кровь на белом снегу.
I have tidied up my room
2.She has eaten candy floss
3.He has gone souvenir shopping
4.We have read this book
5.They have traveled Europe