Many people believe that while in school they should concentrate on studying. Others think that working part-time has many advantages and it is better to do so.
Basically, studying is a great part of our lives. Everyone understand how it is important, but not everyone can pass it. You should concentrate on your studies because it gives you so many opportunities in the near future!
However, there is another point of view. Some people guess that it is better to have a part-time job because of it's advantages. First of all, it is a daily money for you, it is a great first experience in job and so on.
By the way, I think that studying is significantly more important than different kinds of work experience because you need to get basic theory in school and only after that think about job hours.
To sum up, working part-time has some advantages, but you should concentrate on your studies to become successful in the future.
i love animals. for example, dogs can run and swim very fast. but they can’t say “mya”
tigers can run very fast, but they can’t eat leafs, like giraffe. elephants can use their noses with water, play football, but they can’t do other sports.