The radar has many peaceful uses. To help navigation at sea, small radars are installed on small commercial vessels, and larger ones are used on ocean-going liners and transports. Aboard aircraft a radar is used to make air navigation and flight safe, and to map areas over which the plane is flying. A ground-based radar is employed to control flights of aircraft. In detecting a storm, a radar can locate heavy clouds associated with various weather disturbances. Whatever the application, the basic principles of all types of radar equipment are deeply rooted in radio and electronics. A radar is a composite radio-electronic apparatus to be used for detecting and locating objects and targets, such as aircraft, ships, buildings, mountains, and even people at various distances and with incredible accuracy, even when darkness, fog or clouds make the targets invisible. A radar consists essentially of a microwave transmitter and antenna system, a microwave receiver, a timer or synchronizer and an indicator – all working with microsecond precision. Radio energy is broadcast in any desired direction. In striking an object or target, a minute portion of the radio energy is reflected and returns to the radar within a few thousandths of a second. Knowing the speed of radio energy (186,000 miles per second) and measuring time differences between the transmitted energy and any reflected echoes, it is possible to translate these data electronically into the direct distance or range – from the radar to each object or target. Determining the exact location of any target is made possible through accurate measurements of range, altitude, and azimuth, whether the target is in space, on the ground or on the sea. The data obtained (directly or through electronic processing) are displayed continuously on an indicator. This is usually a cathode-ray tube, the type of which is dependent on the kind of data to be displayed – range, altitude, azimuth, or others.
Британцам нравится абсолютно все, например спорт и игры. Есть футбол, крикет, теннис, гольф, хоккей, атлетика и скалолазание, конный спорт и катание на лодках, рэгби и гребля. Крикет это английская национальная игра. Известно, что люди в Англии играли в крикет не ранее 1550 г. Большинство клубов по игре в крикет были образованы в 18 веке. Крикет довольно длительная и даже опасная игра. И в тоже время она медленная. Интернациональные матчи по крикету могут длиться до 5 дней. Бокс как один из британских видов спорта самый старый. Гольф был взаимствован из Шотландии и сейчас очень популярен по всей Британии. Теннис или большой теннис - другая популярная игра в Британии. Первый раз она была сыграна в 1877 г. Сейчас, каждое лето, в Июне, Британия проводит их знаменитый Интернациональный Теннисный Чемпионат в Вимбледоне, в западной части Лондона. Плаванье, лодочный спорт и парусный спорт всегда были популярны в Британии и многие люди увлекаются ими.
Aboard aircraft a radar is used to make air navigation and flight safe, and to map areas over which the plane is flying. A ground-based radar is employed to control flights of aircraft.
In detecting a storm, a radar can locate heavy clouds associated with various weather disturbances.
Whatever the application, the basic principles of all types of radar equipment are deeply rooted in radio and electronics.
A radar is a composite radio-electronic apparatus to be used for detecting and locating objects and targets, such as aircraft, ships, buildings, mountains, and even people at various distances and with incredible accuracy, even when darkness, fog or clouds make the targets invisible.
A radar consists essentially of a microwave transmitter and antenna system, a microwave receiver, a timer or synchronizer and an indicator – all working with microsecond precision.
Radio energy is broadcast in any desired direction. In striking an object or target, a minute portion of the radio energy is reflected and returns to the radar within a few thousandths of a second. Knowing the speed of radio energy (186,000 miles per second) and measuring time differences between the transmitted energy and any reflected echoes, it is possible to translate these data electronically into the direct distance or range – from the radar to each object or target.
Determining the exact location of any target is made possible through accurate measurements of range, altitude, and azimuth, whether the target is in space, on the ground or on the sea. The data obtained (directly or through electronic processing) are displayed continuously on an indicator. This is usually a cathode-ray tube, the type of which is dependent on the kind of data to be displayed – range, altitude, azimuth, or others.