The volcanic was caught on film.
C eruption
The earthquake off the coast of Thailand.
A struck
The roof of the town hall during the earthquake.
B collapsed
The services rushed to the car accident.
B emergency
Supermarkets always have ….. displays to make you buy things.
C tempting
Sweets are in the ….. next to the dairy products.
A aisle
Can you give me some dietary ….. to help me lose weight?
A advice
Try and ….. an effort to be a responsible shopper.
A make
The homeless man was dressed in clothes.
B scruffy
Greenpeace tries to awareness of environmental issues.
D raise
We can use power from the sun to electricity.
C generate
You should try bungee jumping for a(n) adventure.
B nerve-wracking
This is such a novel; I can’t put it down.
A gripping
The horror film was so ; I had guessed the ending.
D predictable
Scientists are experiments to bring dinosaurs back to life.
C conducting
Jack angrily at her and then left the room.
A glared
The misbehaving student was from school.
B suspended
Brian’s determination comes from his strength.
C inner
He often leaves notes on his fridge to himself to do things!
B remind
Tom is a real to the team.
A asset
Helen doesn’t have the to try extreme sports.
A courage
Jane is not a very person because she can’t keep a secret.
B trustworthy
Jill is a total drama queen. She everything!
D exaggerates
Carol is often complaining. She’s a bit of a !
C whiner
A know-it-all takes great in proving other people wrong.
D delight
Привет мама и папа. Сейчас мы собираемся идти на море, природа и погода замечательная. Я познакомился с прекрасными и интересными людьми. Каждое утро мы начинаем со спортивных занятий, мы бегаем, прыгаем много купаемся. К полудню мы выходим в море на парусниках. Это захватывающий вид спорта, но очень опасный. Поэтому в нашем лагере очень строгие правила и мы подчиняемся нашим инструкторам. За любое непослушание тебя могут отправить домой. Но я считаю, что это правильно. С водой шутить нельзя. Вечером у нас свободное время. Мы играем в спортивные игры, организуем вечеринки и танцы, переписываемся с родителями и друзьями. Жаль, что вас нет рядом со мной, люблю вас.
С нетерпением жду вашего ответа.