В Москве большое население и больше дорог. Валуцки находятся возле Украины а значит отличаться акцент и манера разговора. Поскольку в Москве больше транспорта то и воздух более заряженный и это плохо для крови. Но в валуйках меньше работы и развлечений
Moscow and Valuiki In Moscow, a large population and more roads. Valutsky is near Ukraine, which means that the accent and manner of speaking differ. Since there is more traffic in Moscow, air is more charged and it's bad for blood. But there is less work and entertainment in the ranks ...
Present Perfect, Past Simple, Past Continuous или Past Perfect. 1. They (told) me yesterday that you (had got) an excellent mark. 2. When did you (receive) a letter from your friend? 3. Our grandmother (was cooking) dinner from twelve till three yesterday. 4. Look! What beautiful flowers she (is buying)! 5. They ( travelled) along the coast of Africa last year. 6. We (have not seen) each other for ages. 7. They (have eaten) all the apples which I (brought). 8. When the children (had had) dinner, they (went) for a walk. 9. Last summer we ( lived) in the country and (went) to the river every day. 10. My sister ( spent) a lot of money yesterday. 11. She is so upset: she (has lost) the key to the front door. 12. By the 1st of September all the children (had returned) from the country. 13. Columbus ( discovered) America 500 years ago. 14. Columbus (did not know) that he (had discovered) America. 15. I have already ( read) five English books. 16. He (had discussed) the problem with a lot of people before he (took) a decision. 17. Mother (has baked) a delicious cake! Sit down at the table and let's eat it! 18. She (was reading) an English book the whole evening yesterday. 19. I have never ( been) to Greece. 20. Have you ever ( been) to the Niagara Falls? 21. At this time yesterday they (were sitting) on the sofa and (listening) to their grandmother who (was telling) them fairy-tales. 22. My friend has just ( rung) me up from London. 23. I (was standing) at the tram-stop when it ( began) raining. 24. We (have not skated) since last winter.