Fashion and My style of clothes Fashion is a thing that we have to keep up with, whether you like it or not. Anyway it’s important to look attractive. But it doesn’t mean that you should be a fashion-conscious. It may turn to a waste of money. If a person doesn’t have good taste he is not able to put things together. Trendy people want to stand out in a crowd, but sometimes they don’t look stylish. First of all, think clothes should suit you. If you have good taste you can buy a big range of styles and always look fashionable. But clothes should suit the occasion, and put you in the right mood for the day. But there are people who are not able bothered about fashion, they just want to stand out in a crowd by wearing something unusual, old-fashioned or trendy. Actually, I’m not such a person and I guess you should choose things according to your personality and character, and you’ll look well-dressed even if you wear something casual.
Меня зовут Петров. Я живу в центре Москвы. Я работаю в Министерстве внешней торговли. Я инженер и я постоянно учусь. Многие инженеры в наше Министерство изучать иностранные языки. Я выучил английский. У нас есть наш русский утром. Мы на уроке сейчас. Джейн, стоя у доски. Она пишет английское предложение. Мы не писать. Мы смотрим на доске. Мы не часто пишу в своем классе. Иногда мы диктанты. Во время урока мы читаем наш текст-книги и делать много упражнений. Мы не часто говорим по-русски в классе. Мы говорим по-английски, чтобы наш учитель. Мы обычно говорим по-русски после занятий. “Как тебя зовут?" "Меня зовут Смирнова". "Где ты хочешь работать?" "Я работаю в офисе." "Что натворила?" "Я инженер." "Ты учить французский?" "Нет, я не знаю". "Какой язык тебе выучить ?" "Я выучу английский." "Когда ты обычно свой английский?" "Вечером". "У тебя урок сейчас?" "Нет, я не буду."
Fashion is a thing that we have to keep up with, whether you like it or not. Anyway it’s important to look attractive. But it doesn’t mean that you should be a fashion-conscious. It may turn to a waste of money. If a person doesn’t have good taste he is not able to put things together. Trendy people want to stand out in a crowd, but sometimes they don’t look stylish.
First of all, think clothes should suit you. If you have good taste you can buy a big range of styles and always look fashionable. But clothes should suit the occasion, and put you in the right mood for the day. But there are people who are not able bothered about fashion, they just want to stand out in a crowd by wearing something unusual, old-fashioned or trendy. Actually, I’m not such a person and I guess you should choose things according to your personality and character, and you’ll look well-dressed even if you wear something casual.