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03.12.2020 12:02 •  Английский язык

1. Her sumame... Williams.
a) are b) am c) is d) has e) have
2he got a brother?
a) Has b) Does C) Have d) Do e) Is
3. Who Is working in the study
a) I have. b) I do. c) She has. D) I am. e) Ils.
4. Sometimes shenew books in this shop.
a) buys b) buy c)is buying d) are buying e) buying
5. Rob a long poem yesterday.
a) wrote b) write c) is writing d) writed e) writes
6. sheal the moment?
a) Does...paint b) Ispainting c) Dopaint d) Dldpaint e) Did...sang
7. this book yel.
a) don't read b) am not reading c) wasn't reading d) didn't read e) haven't read
8. The room last night
a) was cleaned b) were cleaned c) is cleaned d) are clean e) was clean
9. Nelly likes neither polatoescarrots.
a) or b) and c) nord) either e) both
10. Choose the right variant of the question to the sentence.
I had no classes on Friday.
a) Have you got any classes today? b) Did you have any classes on Friday?
c) Do you have any classes tomorrow? d) Will you have any classes on Friday?
e) Do you have any classes today?
11. Jane and Kateat the disco last night
8) was b) is c) were d) are e) am
12. The bookseverywhere.
a) are sold c) is sold d) is sell d) am sold e) are to sell
13. A lot of houses in the city every year.
a) Is bulld b) are build c) am build d) Is bullte) are bullt
14. Ihim
a) am not understanding b) don't understand c) doesn't understand
d) am not understand e) don't understanding
15. This letteryesterday.
a) was sent b) were sent o) are sent d) is send e) was send
16. Father. "Don't open the doorl"
a) Father tells to not open the door. B) Father tell to nol open the door.
c) Father says not to open the door. d) Father tell not to open the door.
e) Father tells not to open the door.
17. Susan, "I don't know French."
a) Susan says (that) she don't know French. b) Susan say (that) she doesn't know French
c) Susan asks she doesn't know French. d) Susan tells(that) she doesn't know French
e) Susan says (that) she doesn't know French,
18. John: What is your name?"
a) John asks if my name. b) John tells to tell his name.
c) John wants to know what my name is.
d) John want to know what my name is. e) John wants to know what my name are.
19. Granny: " Help me in the garden, boys!
a) Granny say boys to help her in the garden. b) Granny ask boys to help her in the garden
c) Granny asks boys to help them in the garden. d) Granny asks boys to help her in the garden
e) Granny tell boys to help her in the garden
20. Children: "Can you speak French, Mr. White?"
a) Children ask Mr. White if he can speak French
b) Children asks Mr. White if he can speak French
c) Children ask Mr. White if they can speak French
d) Children ask Mr. While If they can speak French.
e) Children tells Mr. White lo speak French.​

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There are many famous people that i admire. most of them are talented in one or more fields. they lead a busy life, travelling from one place to another to meet their fans. my favourite celebrity is johnny depp. although he had starred in many interesting movies, his best role was captain jack sparrow in the pirates of the caribbean. in my opinion, he is a multi-talented person. apart from being a famous actor, he is a film producer and a musician. at the moment he is 51 years old, but he doesn’t look his age. i would assume he is only 30 or 35. he was born in kentucky, the usa, in a poor background. his family often moved from one place to another, because of his father’s job. when he was 15, his parents divorced. he started dreaming about the career of a rock star at the age of 12, when his mother bought him a guitar. he then joined various garage bands to come closer to his dream. the first big movie where he starred was “nightmare on elm street”, although he had taken some smaller parts before. he became really popular after appearing in television series for teens “21 jump street”. i also liked his performance in “charlie and the chocolate factory” and “alice in wonderland”. i know that johnny depp has been nominated for major acting awards many times, although his best achievement is the golden globe award. he has a certain style of acting, which distinguishes him from the crowd of other actors. i like his manner of conduct at the ceremonies or during the interviews. he seems to be a level-headed and reserved person. by the way, acting is not his only passion. he also grows grapes and makes his own wine. перевод я восхищаюсь многими известными людьми. многие из них талантливы в одной или нескольких областях. они ведут насыщенный образ жизнь, путешествуя из одного места в другое, чтобы встретиться со своими поклонниками. моя любимая знаменитость – джонни депп. хоть он и снялся во многих интересных фильмах, его лучшей ролью считается капитан джек воробей в «пиратах карибского моря». на мой взгляд, у этого человека множество талантов. помимо того, что он известный актер, он является продюсером и музыкантом. на данный момент ему 51 год, но он не выглядит на свой возраст. я бы дала ему 30 или 35 лет. он родился в штате кентукки, сша, в небогатой семье. его семья часто переезжала из одного места в другое по работе отца. когда ему было 15 лет, его родители развелись. о карьере рок-звезды он стал задумываться в возрасте 12 лет, когда мама купила ему гитару. затем он играл в различных группах гаражный рок, чтобы как-то приблизиться к своей мечте. первый крупный фильм, в котором он снялся это «кошмар на улице вязов», хотя у него и прежде бывали какие-то маленькие роли. он стал популярным после появления в телесериале для подростков «джамп стрит, 21». мне также понравилось его игра в фильмах «чарли и шоколадная фабрика» и «алиса в стране чудес». я знаю, что джонни депп был не раз номинирован на получение основных наград, но его лучшим достижением стала премия «золотой глобус». у него определенный стиль актерской игры, который выделяет его из толпы других актеров. мне нравится его манера поведения на церемониях или во время интервью. он кажется уравновешенным и сдержанным человеком. кстати, актерство не единственное его увлечение. он также занимается разведением винограда и делает свое вино
4,5(86 оценок)
People have invented many useful devices. one of the most interesting and widely-used inventions is the telephone. the modern phone that we use today is the result of work of many people. the first person to have patented the telephone in 1876 was alexander graham bell. he is credited as the inventor of this practical device. other scientists who also worked on telephone invention were elisha gray, antonio meucci, thomas edison and some others. the 20th century was the era of phone development and modernization. rotary telephones were replaced by touch-tone dials and other sophisticated features. modern phones are presented mostly by mobiles, which support ip telephony and wi-fi. it is almost impossible to find a person nowadays who doesn’t have a personal mobile phone. these phones have become highly popular over the last years. they are rather compact, handy and easy to carry around. mobile phones allow us to make instant calls, send text messages, listen to music, play games, take photos, check an e-mail and else. thus, they have replaced not only landlines but also personal computers, mp3-players and cameras. however, there are many people in the world who are against mobiles phones. doctors claim that this device has a bad effect on people’s health. it can damage our eyesight and immune system. the signals that are sent from mobiles can be harmful. some people also believe that phones prevent live communication. and, it is true. with the appearance of mobile phones and computers people meet up with friends less often. in my opinion, telephone is a very useful and important device. we simply can’t live without it in the modern world, even though it is not safe for health. the only solution is to try to use it less in everyday life.
4,4(25 оценок)
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