Работа со словарём. Прочтите предложения, определите исходную форму выделенных слов, скажите, к какой части речи они относятся, и найдите соответствующие.
1. a) A loaded BOAT was moving in the direction of the port.
b) A lot of people went BOATING on this Sunday afternoon.
c) Will this BOAT hold all five of us?
2. a) They used boats to carry SUPPLIES of food to the island.
b) I took with me a good SUPPLY of books.
c) The expedition was SUPPLIED with all the necessary equipment.
3. a) In modern ports the SHIPS are loaded and unloaded mechanically.
b) When does the SHIP leave?
c) Have the good for the Polar Station been SHIPPED?
4. a) The boat was SAILING at full speed.
b) The boat had beautiful SAILS.
c) Can you SAIL a boat?
5. a) Our opinions differ on some POINTS.
b) The water was heated to the boiling POINT.
c) Everything POINTS to a cold winter.
6. a) Before CROSSING a street look first to the left, then to the right.
b) Put a CROSS on the map to show where we are.
c) We can CROSS the river at the next village.
7. a) The lorries were LOADED mechanically.
b) The LOAD weighs a hundred kilograms.
c) They LOADED us with work.
8. a) Every machine needs OILING.
b) Water is heavier than OIL.
c) What sort of OIL is there at this service station?
9. a) What kind of FUEL is used in these motor cars?
b) We had to stop to FUELl the car.
c) This passenger car needs FUELLING every 300 miles.
10. a) He is working on the DESING for a new machine.
b) The architect is DESIGNING a new school.
c) The ice-breaker is DESIGNED for operation in Arctic waters.
I always wanted to learn how to play it,but due to health problems and low growth,it is almost impossible.
Any dangerous sport,and basketball is no exception.
In case of unsuccessful falling from a jump ,break an arm or a leg,easier simple.
There are two baskets in this game and only one ball. Players must throw the ball to the basket and get to it to score a goal. In the game the two teams with only five players.
I'm a big fan of basketball.I like to watch the matches on TV and cheer for your favorite team. My favorite team is Chicago bulls and Miami heat.