Посмотрите на карту. Разыгрывайте диалоги, спрашивая / давая указания от булочной до газетного киоска, от книжного магазина до кафе, от музыкального магазина до аптеки, от магазина игрушек до площади, от аптеки до супермаркета
Chris is a student at Oxford University. However, he’s not a normal student because he is only 14 years old. He 1 (has been) at university for six months and he 2 (has been enjoying) it. What’s more, last week he passed his first exam with the 3 (the highest) mark in his group. His parents know that 4 (their) son is special. He was only two years old when they discovered that he 5 (could) read. Chris 6 (was interviewed) by a local newspaper last week, but they didn’t find out much about his future plans.
He has got a flat in the town centre. He hasn't got a flat in the town centre. Has he got a flat in the town center? You have got a car. You haven't got a car. Have you got a car? I have got a brother. I haven't got a brother. Have I got a brother? She has got a computer. She hasn't got a computer. Has she got a computer? We have got an expensive car. We haven't got an expensive car. Have we got an expensive car? They have got a garden. They haven't got a garden. Have they got a garden. Your garden has got fruit trees. Your garden hasen't got fruit trees. Has your garden got fruit trees?
Chris is a student at Oxford University. However, he’s not a normal student because he is only 14 years old. He 1 (has been) at university for six months and he 2 (has been enjoying) it. What’s more, last week he passed his first exam with the 3 (the highest) mark in his group. His parents know that 4 (their) son is special. He was only two years old when they discovered that he 5 (could) read. Chris 6 (was interviewed) by a local newspaper last week, but they didn’t find out much about his future plans.