1). Употребите следующие предложения во всех формах страдательного залога. Выберите указанные после упражнения индикаторы времени.
1. The dress is made by mother. 2. This problem is discussed by the scientists. 3. The use of the article is explained by the teacher. 4. Lunch is cooked by grandmother. 5. The text is translated by the student.6. The song is sung by a popsinger.
just, usually, by 10 o’clock, next Sunday, at 9 o’clock tomorrow, before New Year, tomorrow, when I came in, yesterday, at 6 o’clock yesterday.
2). Переведите подчеркнутые глаголы, выбрав правильную форму из предложенных после каждого предложения вариантов.
1. Письмо было послано вчера.
а) is sent в) was sent c) had been sent
2. Когда вошел директор, диктант писался учениками.
а) was written в) was being written c) were being written
3. Обед уже был приготовлен, когда я пришел.
а) had been cooked в) has been cooked c) had cooked
4. Упражнение будут проверять завтра на уроке.
а) will be tested в) will have been tested c) is being tested
3). Преобразуйте следующие предложения из действительного залога в страдательный.
1. I published the article two years ago. 2. They use this uniform only to work in the garden. 3. The woman switched on the light and closed the door. 4. They will answer you in a week. 5. Who painted this picture? 6. The girl showed her friend how to do the exercise. 7. They have looked for the letter everywhere. 8. Nobody had visited us. 9. We will have papered the room by 12 tomorrow. 10. The boy hasn’t slept in his bed. 12. Some people don’t look after their pets properly.
4). Преобразуйте следующие предложения из страдательного залога в действительный.
1. This investigation was often referred to. 2. The children’s drawings will be exhibited next month. 3. The twins were brought home by their elder sister. 4. The radio was invented by a Russian scientist. 5. A new modern building is being constructed in the neighbourhood. 6. We usually don’t like to be laughed at. 7. The doctor must be sent for at once. 8. The child must be looked after. 9. The article was being discussed, when we came. 10. All the trees will have been planted by the time we come.
He jumped into the river and rescued the drowning man
I was seeing my first baseball match while i was living in New York
We rang the police because the neighbors were playing the music very loud
He was writing the whole homework during the lunch break
We were playing in the garden when it started to rain
He was meeting his girlfriend when he lived in london
While i was working in the hospital i was deciding to give up smoking
It was raining was the whole day so we decided to stay at home
The sun was shining so we decided to go for a walk