1. Yellowstone Park was founded in 1872.
2. It situated on the territory of three states – Wyoming, Idaho and Montana.
3. It is located around the valley of the river Yellowstone.
4. It has more than 3 thousands geysers and more than 10000 springs.
5. The highest point of the park is Eagle Peak with the height of 3462 m.
6. It has a lot of canyons, fossilized forests and other nature monuments.
7. The wildlife is rich. There we can find grizzly-bear, black bear, wapiti, moose and buffalos.
возможно ошибки! но думаю все правильно
1. I’d like to tell you something very important.
2. Any rule has its exceptions.
3. The question is too difficult, nobody can answer it.
4. It’s autumn, there are fallen leaves everywhere.
5. Anybody home? Hello!
6. Everybody knows water is necessary for life.
7. Please give the children anything warm: the evenings are cold here.
8. It all your things in order you don’t look for them somewhere.
9. There is some he wants to tell you, but I don’t think it is very important.
10. I have no cats at home, I don’t like their way of life.