My brother's name is (name). He woke up yesterday at 7 am, ate breakfast, changed clothes and went to school. After school, he came home and had lunch at four. At five and six, he does his homework. Further, according to the plan, he has a training session at seven and up to eight. After training, he came home and drinks tea, brushes his teeth and goes to bed.
I would like to visit Scotland because there are many places of interest. Here are some of them: Edinburgh Castle, Isle of Staffa, the National Gallery of Scotland. In the Scottish Gallery of Modern Art also collected a lot of valuable and interesting exhibits about five thousand examples of contemporary iskusstva.Naibolee famous landmark Staffa is Fingal's Cave - a large sea cave, located near the southern tip of the island, about 20 meters high and 75 meters in length formed in the rocks of the lining close to each other regularly shaped basalt columns, three-to octagonal, more often all - Allen. Edinburgh Castle, the ancient fortress on Castle Rock in the center of Scotland's capital city - Edinburgh.
Мои одноклассники очень хорошие и добрые. после школы мальчики любят играть в футбол , а девочки играть в куклы. наш класс очень любит играть в настольные игры! мы все очень любим учиться и слушать нашу любимую учительницу! после уроков у нас продленка, на которой мы делаем уроки и рассказываем друг другу много интересных историй! мы любим всем классом ходить за руки в столовую! мы любим ходить в кино. мы часто гуляем после школы. любим ходить друг к другу домой и смотреть телевизор. на англ яз my classmates are very good and kind. after school boys love to play football , and girls play with dolls. our class likes to play table games! we all love to learn and listen to our favorite teacher! after lessons we prodlenka, where we do our homework, and we tell each other a lot of interesting stories! we love all the class to walk in hand in the dining room! we love going to the cinema. we often walk after school. love to go to each other home and watch TV.
My brother's name is (name). He woke up yesterday at 7 am, ate breakfast, changed clothes and went to school. After school, he came home and had lunch at four. At five and six, he does his homework. Further, according to the plan, he has a training session at seven and up to eight. After training, he came home and drinks tea, brushes his teeth and goes to bed.