)Заполните пропуск:
1.)Could you repeatthe question please? I'm sоrrу, ... very clearly right now. а) do not think; b) 1 are not thinking; с) 1 am not thinking; d) don't think; е) Im not thinking.
2.)Запо.лните пропуск: The milk is ... the refrigerator. а) to; Ь) of; с) at; d) in; е) from.
3)You сал have ice cream ... you finish your dinner. а) when; Ь) but; с) and; d) or; е) while.
4) Запо.лните пропуск: No, I've never ... а classical music concert. а) beingto; Ь) was to; с) been to; d) gone; е) went to.
5) Запо.лните пропуск: Have you ever ... in that restaurant? а) eat; Ь) going; с) ate; d) went; е) eaten.
6). Запо.лните пропуск: 1 must go home because my husband ... for me. а) are waiting; Ь) am waiting; с) waiting; d) waits; е) is waiting.
7)Запо.лните про пуск: Shhh! Please don't talk so loud; the ЬаЬу ... а) sleeps; Ь) is sleeping; с) are sleeping; d) sleeping; е) sleeping is.
8)Excuse me, where is the post office? -I'm sorry, 1 ... English. а) am not speaking; Ь) speak not; с) no speak; d) don't speak; е) do not speaking.
9)told you ... you didn't listen. а) because; Ь) but; с) for; d) then; е) if. 10)Запо.лните пропуск: The Jones family ... breakfast before leaving for the airport. а) have; Ь) has to; с) had; d) has had; е) has got.
Запо.лните про пуск: Do you know anyone who has а helicopter? -No, I don't know ... а) anyone; Ь) everyone; с) nobody; d) no one; е) someone. 11)Заполните пропуск: I have а Ьig room with а window that opens ... the sea. а) at; Ь) of; с) from; d) outside; е) onto.
12) Заnолните пропуск: What ... when 1 called? а) was you doing; Ь) was do you; с) you were doing; d) were you doing; е) were you do.
13). ЗапОJiните про пуск: Please wait five more minutes; my sister ... а) still dresses; Ь) is still dressing self; с) is getting dressed still; d) still gets dressed; е) is still getting dressed. 14)Заполните пропуск: Very good class, today ... was late. а) someone; Ь) everyone; с) anyone; d) no one; е) this one.
...it is not the developer who is to blame, but the roblox servers. They are so slow + a lot of people with bad internet play
I made calculations and compared the GTA 5 servers and Roblox
I installed two computers and both had normal internet (not fast but not slow ) .
Having made a small step on one computer on the second, it was shown only after 1 second
After taking a small step, it appeared on the second computer after 0.2 seconds, that is, almost immediately
Conclusion: the roblox servers are so weak that they cannot keep up with their own schedule and work very slowly for the modern world. But roblox will always be one of my favorite games for me.