1.Поставьте глагол «to be» в правильную форму:
1. The books are in the bag .
2. The seafar is on the deck.
3. He cadets are in the classroom.
4. The notebooks are on the table.
5. I am a cadet of Maritime college.
2. Напишите эти предложения во множественном числе, поставив указательное местоимение в нужную форму.
Example: This is a cat - These are cats.
1.That is a car. Those are cars.
2.This is a ship-These are ships.
3.That is a star-Those are stars.
4.This is his pencil-These are his pencils.
5.That is his pen-Those are his pens.
6.This is a deck-These are decks.
7.That is a child- Those are children.
3. Исправьте ошибки (притяжательные местоимения).
1.Example: Mary has got a ballerina. It's my ballerina. - It`s her ballerina
2.Mike and Mary have got a puppy. Her puppy is brown. - Their puppy is brown.
3.Dad and I have a hobby. His hobby is playing football. - Our hobby is playing football.
4.You live in a big house. My house is big. - Your house is big.
5. Nick has got a bike. It is your bike. - It is his bike.
6.I am a pupil. This is his school. - This is my school.
7.The cat has got kittens. They are our kittens. - They are its kittens.
Var. 1. Translate into English using Com
1. I want you to help me. 2. My father wanted me to read this book.
1. I would like them to come to me.
4. She wanted to be invited to a party. 5. I can't stand it when you're late.
6. We want him to sing this song. 1. My parents don't want me to get bad grades.
3. He would like you not to say that. 3. She wants only you to bring her coffee. 10. I don't want them to know about it.
1. The teacher wants the students not to interrupt him. and a friend doesn't want me to pay for dinner.
The driving teacher wants his students to study well.
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