Beraum womme aroma
have to has to I don't have to doesn't have to / must / mustn't
1 A businessman (1) make his business plan and organize other people to
realize thus plan A business person (2)
be trustworthy
2 Mechanics (3)
repair cars, but they (4)
design cars. They
be hard working
3 Avet
care for animals He (7) be handsome He (8)
be kund and finendly
4 A good pupul 09
do his homework. He (10)
eat in class He (11)
wear a unaform He (12)
be polite
Amune (13) help people with health problem She (14)
be kind and
polite She (13) carry heavy things She (16) forget to see her form
6 Teachers (17
teach children They (18)
questions But they (19) wnte textbooks Thes 20)
ответьте от
[ ˈwɪndəʊ ] , table [ ˈteɪbl ], chair [ tʃeə(r) ], stool [ stuːl ], refrigerator [ rɪˈfrɪdʒəreɪtə(r) ], bed [ bed ] , cupboard [ ˈkʌbəd ] , carpet [ ˈkɑːpɪt ], window-sill [ ˈwɪn.dəʊ.sɪl ] , vase [ vɑːz ] , plate [ pleɪt ] , cup [ kʌp ] , sofa
[ ˈsəʊ.fə ] , TV (television) [ ˌtiː ˈviː ] [ ˈtelɪvɪʒn ] , shelf [ ʃelf ] , mirror [ ˈmɪrə(r) ] , lamp [ læmp ] , clock [ klɒk ] , fork [ fɔːk ] , knife [ naɪf ] , spoon [ spuːn ], flower - pot [ ˈflaʊə(r) - pɒt ] , telephone [ ˈtelɪfəʊn ] , brush [ brʌʃ ] , vacuum cleaner [ ˈvæk.juːm ˈkliː.nər ], iron [ ˈaɪən ] , shower [ ˈʃaʊə(r) ] , cooker [ ˈkʊkə(r) ] .