Tom didn't want to paint the fence and wanted to relax with everyone ,but could not .he began to paint and see his friend Ben, and with an Apple in his hand .They started talking and Ben wanted to paint the fence and that allowed him after Ben gave him the Apple .Then he was approached by his friend Billy with a kite and turned it in for painting the fence .In the evening Tom had a lot of stuff and painted the fence.He went to aunt Polly and said that he'd painted the fence, she praised him.
Том не хотел красить забор и хотел расслабиться со всеми, но не мог. Он начал рисовать и увидел своего друга Бена с яблоком в руке. Они начали разговаривать, и Бен хотел красить забор и это. позволил ему после того, как Бен дал ему яблоко. Затем к нему подошел его друг Билли с воздушным змеем и сдал его для покраски забора. Вечером Том собрал много вещей и покрасил забор. Он пошел к тете Полли и сказал что он красил забор, она его похвалила.
Dear Mr. and Mrs. Bennett,
I have been home for two weeks, but when I arrived home I had to start work immediately so this is my first opportunity to write to you. How are you all? Are you all busy?Is Andrew still working hard for his exams? I miss you a lot and also all my friends from my English class.
Yesterday, I received a letter from one of the Greek students I have met/met in England, Christina. She told about some of the other students. She told me that the Japanese girls Katsida and Yikuko would write to me this summer. When I was in England I made a lot of good friends and I enjoyed them/myself very much. I think I have learned/learnt a lot of English but also have met people from so many different countries.
My family are/is fine. They had a good holiday last month. We are all very excited because my brother is getting married before Christmas. We like his girlfriend very much who lives in Budapest. They are looking for a flat in my town but it isn't easy and if they don't find one soon, they will stay/be staying with us at my house.
I can't find my big red scarf that I bought in London. I think I left it in the cupboard in my bedroom. Can you check it for me?
Please write soon. I hope I can come back next year. Staying with you was a wonderful experience for me. I learned so many things.
Yours faithfully,
PS. Sorry for my 23 mistakes. As we say in Hungarian, I am a little donkey.