Level – mark «3»
1)a sister - сестра, serious – серъезный, an idea – идея, red – красный, a duck – утка, blue – синий.
2) 1. the little stove with the silver saucepans and broom
2. а skipping-rope
3. a book
4. a hoops
5. a top
6. a rubber duck
3) Taygete, Alcyone, Celano, Sterope, Merope
Level – mark «4»
1) a. I want something for my sisters – six of them.
b. There is so much dust on the star, and she will love to sweep it up.
c. she can look at the pictures.
2) a. моя самая старшая сестра - my eldest sister
b. она любит танцевать - she likes dancing
c. резиновая утка - rubber duck
Being passed the test, she decided to consult a psychologist.