Translation :
Where have you rest last summer?
Which mark have you got ?
Have you missed English lesson ?
Have you finished your test?
They haven't finished their homework?
Have you just arrived from London?
Answers the questions:
1. I'm 29 years old (actually it depends on you, just write number )
2.Yes ,I'm married or no I'm not married
3.Im make up professional artist
4. I'm working in a popular salon of our country
5. I'm not really satisfied with the working hours
6. I guess the last time it was in the winter,because i caught cold immediately
7. I felt myself bad the next day
8. I had a high temperature and sore throat
9. Mostly it was getting ill.
10. No i hadn't, i hope that i will not have it
11. I don't have any bad habits
12. Yes, they are alive , they aren't dead
13. It could be psychological disorders , mostly they are stressed due to work
14. Thankfully we don't have anyone in our family which could have dangerous illness
1 задание
Где вы отдыхали летом? Where did you stay last summer?
Какую оценку вы получили? What grade did you get?
Вы пропустили занятия по английскому языку? Did you miss your English class?
Вы уже написали тест? Have you already written the test?
Они еще не сделали домашнее задание? They haven't done their homework yet?
Вы только что приехали из Лондона? Have you just arrived from London?
2 задание
1. How old are you? сколько вам лет I'm seventeen мне 17
Are you married? Вы женаты? no, I'm not married
3. What is your occupation? Чем вы занимаетесь? I'm a student
4. Where do you work? Где вы работаете? I work in a hotel
5. What are you complaining of? На что ты жалуешься? I'm complaining of a headache. я жалуюсь на боль в голове
6. When did you fall ill? Когда вы заболели? I got sick yesterday я заболела вчера
7. Was the onset sudden or gradual? Наступление было внезапным или постепенным? Gradual. постепенным
8. What were the first symptoms of the disease? Каковы были первые симптомы заболевания? Аt first, it was dark in the eyes, dizzy Сначала, темнело в глазах, кружилась голова
9. What diseases did you have in childhood? in adult life? Какие болезни были у вас в детстве? во взрослой жизни? Diseases in my childhood were cholera, ASMA.Болезни у меняв детстве были холера, асма.
I didn't have any illnesses in my adult life.во взрослой жизни у меня не было болезней.
10. Did you have any operations? У вас были какие-нибудь операции? I didn't have any surgeries у меня не было операций
11. Do you have any habits? У вас есть какие-нибудь привычки? I don't have any habits у меня нет ни каких привычек
12. Are your parents alive? What did they die of? Живы ли твои родители? От чего они умерли? No, my parents are dead. they died of old age. нет мои родители умерли. они умерли от старости.
13. Does any of your next of kin suffer from tuberculosis? Psychic diseases? Alcoholism? Кто-нибудь из ваших ближайших родственников страдает туберкулезом? Психические заболевания? Алкоголизм? No, I didn't suffer from tuberculosis, Mental illness, Alcoholism. нет, не страдал туберкулезом, Психические заболевания, Алкоголизм.
14. Are there any hereditary diseases in your family? Есть ли в вашей семье наследственные заболевания? There are no inherited diseases in my family. В моей семье нет наследственных заболеваний.