Подберите к словосочетаниям на английском языке русские эквиваленты из списка ниже :
Program: access program; application program; archived program; binary program; common program; compatible / incompatible program; control / management program; database program; debugging program; educational / teaching / training program; free program; general-purpose program; high-performance program; off-line program; on-line program; operating (-system) program; processing program; protected-mode pro¬gram; remote program; running program; self-loading program simulation program; support program; utility program; virus-detection program; watch-dog program, auxiliary program
Программа в двоичном коде; прикладная программа; (не) совместимая программа; бесплатная программа; программа отладки; сторожевая программа; дистанционная программа; программа моделирования; сервисная программа; вс программа; программа для доступа (к данным); заархивированная программа; программа, работающая с базой данных; обучающая программа; программа, выполняемая с большой скоростью; универ-сальная программа; программа, выполняемая в защищенном режиме; программа обработки данных; программа операционной системы (системная программа); выполняемая программа; сетевая программа, несетевая программа; самозагружающаяся программа; часто используемая (рас программа; программа управления; программа обнаружения вирусов, программа поддержки
This summer was great! In June, after the last exam my family and I went to her grandmother in Jurmala. Unfortunately with the weather we are not lucky, but that did not stop our stay. We walked and walked to the beach, to the movies. So went the first month of summer. Returning home, I walked most of the time with his friends, went to discos and cafes. In August, my sister and I went to Italy. It was an incredible trip! We were traveling through Austria and the country I loved it! Nowhere have I seen such beauty. everywhere there were mountains and fields. it is very beautiful. arrived in Italy we visited Verona, Rome, Florence, Venice, the Vatican. All these cities are quite similar to each other, and they are incredibly beautiful! Week we lived on the coast, close to the sea. we swam, sunbathed, went to cafes and shopping. we had a lot of fun! Italy I won! When I returned home summer is ended, and I started to prepare for school. But this was the best summer of my life!