1. The Pilgrim Fathers went to Holland before sailing to America on the Mayflower, in 1602, didn't they?
2. In spite of all the hard work she had to do, Cinderella never complained to her father.
3. Efforts to save the brown pelican have been successful, and experts feel that the bird no longer need to be on the endangered list.
4. It is little known that Alexander Graham-Bell was associated with the National Geographic Society, devoting a great deal of his time and energy to it.
5. The Romantic poet Keats died from tuberculosis at a very young age.
6. During the final minutes of his speech, the speaker requested that the audience hold its applauses.
7. The legendary Robin Hood used to steal from the rich people to give to all the poor.
8. Only a few meals can be prepared without using of fats.
9. It had been a long tradition between the Montague family and the Capulet family to quarrel with each other.
10. The survival instinct of cockroaches is so great that they are known to reproduce even within a ring of fire.
Гнев нормальный. Или это? С точки зрения частоты выражения гнева это нормально. Он существует везде и во всех нас. Но большинству учителей и родителей трудно принять гнев как нормальный и неизбежный. Реальная проблема для учителя и родителей становится вопросом, как бороться с гневом в себе. Учителя спрашивают: «Будете ли вы удерживать меня как признак некомпетентности или незрелости?» Другие проблемы: «Что дети расскажут своим родителям?» И «Вернется ли это к директору?» Учителя, кроме того, имеют реальную заботу о своих детях: «Будет ли это испуганным ребенком? Будет ли это каким-то образом нанесен ущерб?» Или еще больше огорчает, Будет ли ребенок злиться на меня, стать непослушным, и больше не как я, как учитель.
2. In spite of all the hard work she had to do, Cinderella never complained to her father.
3. Efforts to save the brown pelican have been successful, and experts feel that the bird no longer need to be on the endangered list.
4. It is little known that Alexander Graham-Bell was associated with the National Geographic Society, devoting a great deal of his time and energy to it.
5. The Romantic poet Keats died from tuberculosis at a very young age.
6. During the final minutes of his speech, the speaker requested that the audience hold its applauses.
7. The legendary Robin Hood used to steal from the rich people to give to all the poor.
8. Only a few meals can be prepared without using of fats.
9. It had been a long tradition between the Montague family and the Capulet family to quarrel with each other.
10. The survival instinct of cockroaches is so great that they are known to reproduce even within a ring of fire.