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25.A lot of charities work hard to raise about not dumping rubbish in the street. (AWARE)Tam Ekran Okuyucu (1 Puan)
Yanıtınızı girin
26.Akida was able to study at university because of an educational that he won. (SCHOLAR)Tam Ekran Okuyucu
(1 Puan)
Yanıtınızı girin
27.The scientists won the Nobel Prize for their , the LED light. (INVENT)Tam Ekran Okuyucu
(1 Puan)
Yanıtınızı girin
28.Unfortunately, the first test was a but the second was successful. (FAIL)Tam Ekran Okuyucu
(1 Puan)
Yanıtınızı girin
29.John and Jane went to a protest against last month. (RACE)Tam Ekran Okuyucu
(1 Puan)

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1. Не (will have been writing) the letter by five o’clock tomorrow.
2. He (will write) a letter tomorrow.
3. We (will have dinner) soon.
4. We (shall have been having dinner) by this time tomorrow.
5. We (shall have been passing) all our exams by the first of July.
6. I (will show) him the Kremlin.
7. My friends (will come) to visit me.
8. He (will have been finishing) this report by the end of the day.

2. Поставьте глаголы в скобках в Future Perfect Continuous
1. By the end of the week I (shall have been worked) here for four months.
2. By the end of this month we (shall have been lived) together for six years.
3. By the end of the term she (will have been studied) for nine years.
4. By midnight we (shall have been played) this computer game for 48 hours.
5. She (will have been talked) on the phone for the last couple of hours.
6. They (will have been looked for) me all night long.
7. He (will have been played) soccer all day long.
8. You (will have been watched) TV all the time.
9. He (has been not / slept) all morning.
10. (Have they been waited) for 2 hours?

3. Поставьте глаголы в следующих предложениях в утвердительную, вопросительную и отрицательную формы Future Simple.
1. I (will do) morning exercises.
I will not do morning exercises
Will I do morning exercises?
2. He (will work) at a factory.
He will not work at a factory
Will he work at a factory?
3. She (will sleep) after dinner.
She won't sleep after dinner
Will she sleep after dinner?
4. We (will work) part-time.
We will not work part-time
Will we work part-time?
5. They (will drink) tea every day.
They won't drink tea every day
Will they drink tea every day?
6. Mike (will be) a student.
Mike will be not a student
Will Mike be a student?
7. Helen (will have) a car.
Helen will not have a car
Will Helen have a car?
8. You (will be) a good friend.
You will be not a good friend
Will you be a good friend?
9. You (will be) good friends.
You will not be good friends
Will you be good friends?
10. It (will be) difficult to remember everything
It (will be not) difficult to remember everything
Will it be difficult to remember everything?
4,7(36 оценок)
My favourite town
I live in a wonderful, beautiful town. I love it very much. The name of my town is Kotovo. It is situated not far from Volgograd.
I have arrived to live in this town recently. I have lived in St.-Petersburg before. Kotovo differs from big cities greatly. It is small and quiet. Life is measured, calm and kind. Everyone knows each other. People are kind, beautiful, native, close in my town. You don`t feel lonely here, as a rule it happens in big cities.
There are a library, a cinema, a palace of culture, a museum, a big sports hall and five schools in my town. Also there is a swimming pool in the sports hall. Children of my city like to visit it. There is a very beautiful central park. It is very beautiful in spring and summer. I like to have a rest, to sit on the bench and to read a book in the park. I like to walk on foot around the city, because I like to dream about my future. Kotovo is a magic place, especially in the evening. There are many old houses, monuments, small and narrow streets in the town. All these things create fantastic, mysterious atmosphere. I have met my love, my husband in this town.
Kotovo is the best town in the earth. And when I leave from it I always miss it very much. You can`t fall in love with my town.
Я живу в прекрасном, красивом городе. Я очень люблю его. Название моего города Котово. Он распложен не далеко от Волгограда.
Я приехала жить в этот город недавно. До этого я жила в Санкт-Петербурге. Котово очень отличается от больших городов. Он маленький и тихий. Жизнь размеренная, спокойная и добрая. Каждый знает друг друга. В моем Городе люди добрые, красивые, родные, близкие. Ты не чувствуешь себя одиноким здесь, как правило это случается в больших городах.
В моем городе есть библиотека, кинотеатр, дом культуры, музей, большой спортивный зал и пять школ. Также есть бассейн в спортивном зале. Дети моего города любят посещать его. Есть очень красивый центральный парк. Он очень красивый весной и летом. Я люблю отдохнуть, посидеть на скамейке и почитать книгу в этом парке. Я люблю гулять пешком по городу, потому что я люблю мечтать о будущем. Котово сказочное место, особенно вечером. Есть много старых домов, памятников, маленьких узких улиц в городе. Все эти вещи создают сказочную, таинственную атмосферу. Я встретила свою любовь, своего мужа в этом городе.
Котово самый лучший город на земле. И когда я уезжаю из него я всегда очень скучаю по нему. Вы не сможете не полюбить мой город.
4,6(91 оценок)
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