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big wine большое вино
bed кровать
bank dining room
horrible ужасный
husband муж
ice-cream мороженое
kitchen table кухонный стол
listen слушать
nurse медсестра
old старый
parents родители
play играть
post office почта
railway station железнодорожная станция
Sunday воскресенье
tea чай
teacher учитель
Thursday четверг
bathroom ванная комната
Wednesday среда
businessman бизнесмэн
Food & drink еда и напитки
Jobs работы
Rooms комнаты
Places места
Family семья
Days of the week дни недели
Furniture мебель
Verbs глаголы
Adjectives прилагательные
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ответ:Yesterday I was at the festival. There were a lot of people and many balloons. Big stage, where the people performed. They passed by, with different things: large wooden fish, like some kind of wand. In different costumes, funny and interesting. There were also contests. We jumped, ran and won the prizes. There was also delicious food, from which to withdraw, it was almost impossible. I wanted to scream with delight and happiness. Also people played the guitar and banjo, had a good day.
I liked my trip to the festival, I will go again there.