Потерять друга также легко, как найти нового, если ты не знаешь как смериться со злобой и с конфликтами. Конфликт - это часть любой жизни. Конфликты это часть жизни людей в школе, на работе и дома. Это нормально чувствовать себя злым, раздраженным, растерянным или, просто, грустным. Эти чувства натуральные, но как ты с ними справляешься имеет большое значение. Решение конфликтов - это процесс, который происходит шаг за шагом. Потом скажи, что тебя реально злит. Пока ты это делаешь, посмотри как ты справляешься с собой. Не бойся. Поделись тем как ты используешь значение "I".
A woman and a man have the same ability and can do the same job. I think that this point of view, of course, has a right to exist. Because in modern society in every possible way denies discrimination on the basis of sex. Many organizations fight for women's rights around the world. In Russia, America, Europe, women have long ceased to feel inferior, because they are not oppressed at work. In many companies, men and women work together because it increases the efficiency of the team and has a beneficial effect on the work process.
men and women cannot do the same job because they have different physical abilities. Most women are physically much weaker than men; they cannot perform hard physical work. For example, at a construction site or at a factory, men mainly work, since this type of activity requires physical exertion. For example, if you need to lift something heavy, it can even harm women's health.
There are women who work as engineers in the same factories, women drivers, women mayors, women security guards.
Since today there is no longer such a strict separation of female and male professions, thinking about the future, you can not think about gender differences. This gives a certain freedom, since now everyone has the right to go their own way, doing what they like.