Без категории

Употребите правильно many/much (много), a few/a little (несколько, немного), few/little (мало). 1. We don’t have … time. Hurry up!
2. There are … apples in the basket.
3. You bought … carrots yesterday.
4. I’d like … oranges, three or four, please.
5. Could you give me … water, please? I’m thirsty.
6. I have got … real friends.
7. We have … milk for the cake. It’s not enough.
8. Why did you bring so … chairs?
9. There is … juice in the glass.
10. I’m … tired, I will go to bed.

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1). Russia is one of the largest countries in the world. 2). It occupies about one seventh part of dry land. 3). The vast territory of Russia lies in the Eastern part of Europe and in the northern part of Asia. 4). Its total area is over 17 million square kilometres.
5). Russia is washed by twelve seas and three oceans: the Atlantic, the Arctic, the Pacific. 6). The northern and eastern coasts of Russia are washed by the White Sea, the Barents Sea and the Okhotsk Sea.
7). The land of Russia varies a lot from heavy forests to barren deserts, from high peaked mountains to deep valleys. 8). Russia is located on two plains: the Great Russian Plain and the West Siberian Plain. 9). The Urals is the longest mountain chain. 10). It separates Europe from Asia.
11). There are various types of climate on the territory of Russia. 12). In the south the temperature is usually above zero all year round. 13). The climate of Siberia is continental: summers are hot and dry, winters are very cold.
14). Russia is a land of long rivers and deep lakes. 15). The Volga River is the longest river in Europe (3690 km). 16). It runs into the Caspian Sea. which is in reality, the largest lake in the world. 17). The Baikal is the deepest lake in the world.
18). Russia is rich in natural resources. 19). It has deposits of coal, oil, natural gas, iron ore, gold, nickel, etc.
20). Russia borders on fourteen countries, including the former Republics of the USSR, which are now independent states.
21). The population of Russia is about 150 million people.
22). Now Russia (the Russian Federative Republic) is a Presidential Republic. 23). Today the state symbol of Russia is a three coloured banner. 24). It has three horizontal stripes: white, blue and red. 25). The white stripe symbolizes the earth, the blue one stands for the sky, and the red one symbolizes liberty. 26). A new national emblem is a two-headed eagle. 27). It is the most ancient symbol of Russia.
28). Russia has always played an important role in the world. 29). It is one of the leading Powers.

1). Россия - одна из самых больших стран мира. 2). Она занимает почти 1/7 часть суши. 3). Огромная территория России расположена в восточной части Европы и в северной части Азии. 4). Общая территория страны составляет более 17 млн. квадратных километров. 5). Россия омывается 12 морями и 3 океанами: Атлантическим, Северо-Ледовитым и Тихим. 6). Белое, Баренцево и Охотское моря омывают северное и восточное побережье России.
7). Рельеф страны отличается большим разнообразием: густые леса и бесплодные пустыни, высокие горные хребты и глубокие долины. 8). Россия расположена на 2-х равнинах: Восточно-Европейской равнине и Западно-Сибирской низменности. 9). Уральские горы - самая длинная горная цепь страны. 10). Она отделяет Европу от Азии.
11). Климат отличается в разных частях страны. 12). На юге обычно выше нуля градуса в течение всего года. 13). Климат Сибири резко континентальный: лето жаркое и сухое, зима очень холодная.
14). Россия - страна длинных рек и глубоких озёр. 15). Река Волга - самая длинная река в Европе (3690 км). 16). Она впадает в Каспийское море, которое в свою очередь является самым большим озером в мире. 17). Озеро Байкал - самое глубокое озеро в мире.
18). Россия богата полезными ископаемыми. 19). Она имеет залежи угля, нефти, природного газа, железной руды, золота, никеля и других полезных ископаемых.
20). Россия граничит с 14 странами, включая прежние республики СССР, которые в настоящее время являются независимыми государствами.
21). Население России составляет почти 150 млн. человек.
22). Сегодня Россия (Российская Федеративная Республика) является президентской республикой. 23). Государственный символ России - трёхцветный флаг. 24). У флага три горизонтально расположенные полосы: белая, голубая и красная. 25). Белый цвет символизирует землю, голубой - небо, а красный - свободу. 26). Новый государственный герб представляет собой двуглавого орла. 27). Это один из самых древних символов России.
28). Россия играла и играет важную роль в мире. 29). Она является одной из ведущих держав мира.
4,4(74 оценок)

1. “I’m going for an interview this Monday afternoon,” Martin said.

Martin said HE was going for an interview THAT Monday afternoon.

2. “Aibek isn’t working today,” she says.

She says that HE isn’t  working TODAY.

3. “I repaired three computers for customers yesterday,” Carol said.

Carol said SHE had repaired three computers for customers the day BEFORE.

4. “We’re very busy in the shop now,” they said.

They said that THEY were very busy in the shop THEN.

5. “I will start my new summer job tomorrow,” he said.

He said that HE would start HIS summer job THE NEXT DAY.

Task. Complete the sentences with the appropriate introductory verbs from the list below.

• insisted • complained • urged • invited • agreed

1. “You need to stop drinking so much coffee,” Liam said to Sharon.

Liam _urged_ Sharon to stop drinking so much coffee.

2. “OK, I’ll make a parkin cake for Bonfire Night,” Lucy said.

Lucy _agreed _ to make a parkin cake for Bonfire Night.

3. “You always use too much salt in your cooking,” John said to me.

John _complained_ that I always used too much salt in my cooking.

4. “You must try my jerk chicken,” Carol told us.

Carol _insisted_ on us trying her jerk chicken.

5. “Would you like to have dinner at our house on Sunday?” Nina said to them.

Nina _invited_ them to have dinner at their house on Sunday.

Task. Complete each sentence with the correct noun formed from the words in brackets.

1. Mrs Smith has been a RESIDENT of Mornington Crescent for thirty years. (RESIDE)

2. Ernest Hemingway is Jenny’s favourite NOVELIST; she loves his books. (NOVEL)

3. Elvis Presley was a famous rock MUSICIAN in the USA. (MUSIC)

4. Christopher Columbus was a SAILOR who explored the seven seas. (SAIL)

5. Richard Branson is a successful BUSINESSMAN . (BUSINESS)

6. Abraham Lincoln was the 16th PRESIDENT of the United States of America. (PRESIDE)

Task. Choose the correct item.

1. Callum really takes AFTER his dad. He’s just as talented an artist as him.

2. I heard that the supermarket is taking ON more staff.

3. I’m thinking of taking UP a sport.

4. Another company has taken OVER our business.

Total [10]


Task. Read the text and complete the gaps (A-G) with the parts of sentences (1-8). One part is extra.

The Part-Time Princess

Many teens take part-time jobs during summer to help them save money. It’s common for a teenager to take up a job as a waiter or a sales assistant or A) 5_work as a server in a fast food restaurant _, but what about some more unusual career opportunities? Let’s look at Sarah Lang, 17-year-old from Chicago, USA.

I have a job pretending to be a princess at children’s parties. It’s not a normal job but I B) 4_wouldn’t want to do anything else _ ! Parents hire me to turn up in a costume, usually as a famous film character, and play games with the children. I tell stories, C) 3_sing songs and make up party games_ . It’s great fun! One day I’m Elsa from Frozen, the next I can be Princess Fiona from Shrek or Snow White. On some occasions, I have a “prince” joining me to perform at the party. Last week, for example, the parents wanted to hire Sleeping Beauty and Prince Charming. So, I took my friend Jerry, who works as a prince or cartoon hero for children’s parties, and off we went!

The best part of the job is seeing the children’s faces D) 8_light up when I walk in _ . Often, the children have no idea I’m coming, so it’s a great surprise. Sometimes though, E) 7_the kids can ask me difficult questions_ . Some children don’t believe that I’m a real princess, so I have to think quickly and F) 1 _convince them I’m an actual princess _ .

All in all, it’s a great job and I think I’ll do it again next summer. I want to be an actress when I’m older, G) 6_so it’s all good practice for my future career _ !

1. convince them I’m an actual princess

2. I need a car to get from one party to the next

3. sing songs and make up party games

4. wouldn’t want to do anything else

5. work as a server in a fast food restaurant

6. so it’s all good practice for my future career

7. the kids can ask me difficult questions

8. light up when I walk in

Total [8]

Total marks_ /18


4,8(85 оценок)
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