Сара Тайсон (Новая Зеландия), возраст 16, старшеклассница, нравитесь: шоппинг и друзья
“Я не очень разбираюсь в компьютерах, гаджетах и тому подобных вещах, но должен признаться, что действительно не представляю себе жизни без своего iPod®! Это удивительно, что вы можете хранить всю свою музыкальную коллекцию на одном крошечном устройстве. Мне нравится слушать его, когда я иду в школу и учусь там. Кроме того, я обнаружил бы, что это почти невозможно без моего мобильного телефона. Я не могла ... моя светская жизнь без этого, и ... только разреши мне остаться допоздна в субботу, если я буду продолжать звонить им. Они хотят знать, где я нахожусь. Я только что купил цифровую камеру на ...деньги. Это фантастика. Я сделал так много фотографий своих друзей. Более того, я даже подумываю о карьере фотографа.”
I don't know much about computers, devices, or anything like that , but I have to admit that I really can't imagine life without my iPod! It's amazing to be able to store your entire music collection in one tiny device . I like to listen to it when I go to school and on the way back. Besides, I would find it almost impossible to live without my mobile phone. I just can't organize my social life without it , and my parents let me go out late on Saturday if I call them . They want to know where I am. I just bought a digital camera with my birthday money. This is fantastic. I took a lot of photos of my friends. In fact, I'm even considering a career as a photographer
1. He hasn’t finished his homework yet.
2. Tina and Joe have just returned from their holiday today.
3. Have you ever eaten fish and chips?
4. Sadly, I’ve never visited the Science Museum in Toronto – I want to go!
5. She has already been to the magic show – she doesn’t want to go again.
6. Has Cari phoned yet?
1. We’ve already bought the tickets.
2. He’s just packed his bag.
3. They haven’t started theit trip yet.
4. I’ve never spoken French.
5. Has Lorna ever travelled abroad?
6. Has Olivia just phoned me?
7. Have they visited London before?
8. Has Amy opened her presents yet?
– Hello, Andy!
– Hello, Lily! Have you finished your exams yet?
– Yes, and I don’t think I have ever done so well!
– That’s good! My family and I haven’t returned from our holiday in Switzerland yet.
– Oh, really? Have you visited Bern yet?
– No! I haven’t seen any places yet! I’m not having fun!
– Why? Is it your brother? What has he done this time?
– He has just broken his leg skiing! My parents and I are very sad. I have never hated a holiday before – I want to come home!