1) She cleaned and cooked all day. - Она убиралась и готовила еду весь день.
2) The prince invited the unkind sisters to the palace. - принц пригласил злых сестер во дворец.
3) One day a Fairy Godmother visited her. - Однажды крестная фея пришла к ней в гости.
4) She asked the Fairy Godmother for help. - Она попросила крестную о
5) She danced with the prince at the palace. - Она танцевала с принцем во дворце.
6) The prince married her. - Принц женился на ней.
7) They lived happily ever after. - Они жили долго и счастливо.
1. The sun(sets) late in summer
2. Who (is making) that terrible noise
3. How do you ( feel)?
4. Where are you ( going)?
5. I (am hurrying) to the university
6. Switch on the light, it (is getting) dark
7. I (do not know) what you ( want)
8. What are you ( looking for)?
9. I often ( lose) my spectacles
10. He always ( buys) lottery tickets, but seldom wins.
11. What time do ou usually ( get up)?
12. Are you still ( sleeping)?
13. What are the children ( doing) now?
14. They (are watching) an interesting film on TV
15. I ( like) it
1. You had to pass a test before you could get a driving license last Saturday.
2. He could swim very well when he was ten.
3. I will have to return to office in two hours.
1. Вы должны были пройти тест, прежде чем получить водительские права в субботу.
2. Он мог плавать очень хорошо, когда ему было десять лет.
3. Я должен буду вернуться в офис через два часа.