Розкрийте дужки вживаючи дієслова (present,past future simple,present,past continuous,present past perfect 1 when i (to go) to have lunch in the afternoon,it still (to rain) very hard. 2 i (to go) to the nearest cafe, and to sit down at a table.
Tchaikovsky - a town in the Perm region, the administrative center of the municipal district of Tchaikovsky and Tchaikovsky urban settlement. Founded in 1955 as an industrial community, the status of the city received in 1962. Its population is 83 202 [2] people. (2015).Tchaikovsky - prosperous environmentally city.According to the results of studies conducted GU "Perm Center for Hydrometeorology and Environmental Monitoring" in 2009, the level of air pollution in the city of Tchaikovsky defined as low air pollution index is 2.3.March 1, 1994 was formed a new administrative and territorial unit: the city of Tchaikovsky with the adjacent territory, with a surrounding area has been classified as the entire territory of present Tchaikovsky municipal district. October 9, 2005 the boundaries of the municipality again, in accordance with the change of the legislation were reviewed and Tchaikovsky created an urban settlement as part of Tchaikovsky municipal district.In accordance with the Charter of Tchaikovsky urban settlement, the terms "city Tchaikovsky" and "Tchaikovsky urban settlement" are used in the same meaning unless otherwise specified. City Day is celebrated on 12 June.Construction of the city began in 1956. The project developed city Moscow TSNIIP for Urban Planning, Design Team which is for the development and implementation of the project in 1980, was awarded the prize of the Council of Ministers of the USSR. The first, two-story houses bruschatymi began construction Kama area. In 1957, construction began on the Main area, in 1958 the first two houses on the main regions were inhabited. However, private residential buildings was built Zavyalovsky area. He was named the Hero of the Soviet Union SA Zavyalov. In 1978, in connection with the construction of the plant of precision instruments, began building high-rise apartment houses of the village and there was Dawn zarinsky district of the city. In 1985, construction began on Zavokzalnaya area.On January 1, 2015 populous city was in place from 1114 202 cities of the Russian Federation.On 14 September 2014 the Head of the urban settlement is Tchaikovsky Tretyakov Alexey V.
Парламент Соединённого Королевства Великобритании и Северной Ирландии (англ. Parliament of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland) является высшим законодательным органом в Соединённом Королевстве и Королевских заморских территориях. Его возглавляет Британский монарх. Парламент двухпалатный, включает в себя верхнюю палату, называемую Палата лордов, и нижнюю палату, называемую Палата общин. Палата лордов не выбирается, она включает в себя лордов духовных (высшее духовенство англиканской церкви) и лордов светских (членов пэрства) . Палата общин, напротив, демократически избираемая палата. Палата лордов и Палата общин собираются в разных помещениях Вестминстерского дворца в Лондоне. По обычаю, все министры, включая премьер-министра, выбираются исключительно из состава парламента.