1) What do you espect of learning English? 2) Whould you like to move in English-speaking country? 3) Is it easy for you to learn new words? 4) Which level would you like to have? 5) What is the most difficult for you in learning English? 6) Would you like to work with foreign people? 7) Where would you like to go for practising and improving your English? 8) Do you know the history of English language well? 9) Which time-constructions in English you like the most? 10) Did you find your own way for easy learning English?
Lesson are over at 4. Уроки кончаются в четыре часа.
The children collect their books they need to do their homework and hurry to go home. Дети собирают книги, которые им нужны для выполнения домашнего задания, и спешат домой.
Very soon after 4 o'clock the school is empty, except for a few children and teachers. Очень скоро, после четырёх часов, школа пустая, кроме некоторых детей и учителей.
One or two children have to stay behind as a punishment for bad behaviour. Один или два ребёнка задерживаются отбывать наказание за плохое поведение.
2) Whould you like to move in English-speaking country?
3) Is it easy for you to learn new words?
4) Which level would you like to have?
5) What is the most difficult for you in learning English?
6) Would you like to work with foreign people?
7) Where would you like to go for practising and improving your English?
8) Do you know the history of English language well?
9) Which time-constructions in English you like the most?
10) Did you find your own way for easy learning English?