My winter vacation passed wonderfully.
Together with friends i drove in a sleigh, made snowman, played snowballs and just had fun.
In the evening I watched TV, talked on the phone with friends and occasionally played computer games.
My family took me to a winter resort.
I don’t ski very well, so it was hard in the beginning to learn how to ski down mountain slopes.
But the next day, I learned to keep balance and fell to the ground only a few times.
At a ski resort we spent 4 days.
During this period I managed to make friends and girlfriends, with whom now I keep in touch and correspond through the internet.
We hope to see one another again at the same place next year.
By the end of winter break my spirits fell.
Suddenly it came in on me that I had not done some homework.
Sorry, I lied, I plaied computer games all winter vacation.
1.They are working because they want to make our life comfortable and they want we to have a good future
2. task or tasks to be undertaken
3. job - work for which you receive regular payment example:part-time ,full-time works
Profession-type of job that needs special knowledge example dentists,doctor,lawyer(адвокат)
work-the job that person does especially in order to earn money
4.wage -regular amoumt of money that you earn,usually ,ebery week,for work or services
salary-payment for a job
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