HISTORY QUIZ Where was Usain Bolt competing (Usain Bolt / compete)
when he won (he/win) his first Olympic medal?
1 What new invention (Alexander Bell / use) when
(he / say), 'Mr Watson, come here. I want to see
2 When (Titanic / hit) an iceberg in 1912, where
(it / travel) to?
3 When (Neil Armstrong / say), "That's one small
step for man; one giant leap for mankind', where
(he / stand)?
4 Where (Isaac Newton / sit) when he (discover)
5 Where (Mark Zuckerberg / study) when he
(invent) Facebook?
6 Where (people / celebrate the new millennium
when they (take) this picture?
Catch-up game which involves an unlimited number of participants. There is one master. He had to catch up with all the participants. If the leading party caught up, then the participant is eliminated. And so the game continues as long as the master does not catch up with everyone.
Догонялки. Догонялки-игра в которой участвуют неограниченное количество участников. Есть один ведущий. Он должен догонять всех участников. Если ведущий догнал участника, то этот участник выбывает. И так игра продолжается пока ведущий не догонит всех.