art plays an important role in the life of a man and sometimes it is next to impossible to live without it. it helps the people`s understanding of their culture. art allows people to talk about emotionally meaningful experiences.
i think that art has many functions and it’s hard to overestimate the role of art in one’s life. art has great influence on our souls, feelings, forms our moral values. art forms our outlook and enriches our inner world. art influences greatly the development and of evolution of consciousness of a person and of the mankind. art makes us think of the sense of life, how people must live, what is ideal of beauty, what is love the eternal questions. art helps us to understand people who lived hundred years ago and to learn the history of the humankind. art creates our notion about beauty and harmony. art helps people to understand outside world and each other. art develops our good qualities. art has a great educational significance. art brings people up - makes them more humane and kind.
it is natural that the first thing that comes to my mind at the mention of the word ‘art’ is museums. a museum is a stock of the world’s masterpieces, it is the place, where you can enrich knowledge, you can look at the achievements of mankind, you can satisfy your aesthetic taste. museums give the possibility to be always in touch with the past and every time discover something new for yourself. besides, museums play an important role in the life of any nation. a museum is just the right place to find out lots of interesting things about history, traditions and habits of different peoples. one may find in museums papers, photos, books, scripts, works of art, personal things of famous people etc. all this helps us to understand historical events, scientific discoveries, character and deeds of well-known personalities better. i think museums somehow effect the formation of personality, his outlook. every educated person is sure to understand the great significance of museums in our life; you may go to your favourite museum, relax there with your body and soul and acquire inner harmony and balance.
Exercise 4. Remember the meaning of the terms that you will find in the text. 1. Spread sheet package - a kind of computer programs that you calculate data on sale, taxis, profits and so on. 2. Floppy disk - a disk made of plastic material upon which data are stored on magnetic tracks. 3. Compatible - it is usually said about two computers when their programs can be run on both of them. 4. Peripheral devices, or peripherals are units connected to the central processing units (CPU); they are input devices, output devices and storage devices. 5. Input is the process of transferring data or program instruction into the computer. 6. Output is the result produced by a computer. 7. Storage is the process of keeping information in a special device in computer. 8. Software may be denoted as a set of programs or instructions executed by the computer. 9. Hardware is a computer machinery and equipment. 10. Digital computer is a type of computer that uses a binary system. 11 11. Chip is a tiny piece of silicon containing a complex electronic circuits. Before reading the passage " The Rise of the Personal Computer" find in the text "The Rise of IBM" the chronological information on the models of computers produced by this company. Was the policy of IBM successful in the 1960s? THE RISE OF THE PERSONAL COMPUTER The first personal computer, the Altair, was announced in Popular Electronics in its January 1975 issue. The Altair was also the first example of new computer hardware. It caused a sensation in the computer industry: those who wanted could have their own computers to play with at home, and a mighty computer industry soon began to grow. A young computer hacker from Seattle by the name of William Gates, then a freshman at Harvard, sold the Altair developers a computer language that would run on their machine and that made it possible to program many advanced functions. Emboldened by their success with Altair, Gates and his friend founded Microsoft Corporation, which has become the world's largest person
art plays an important role in the life of a man and sometimes it is next to impossible to live without it. it helps the people`s understanding of their culture. art allows people to talk about emotionally meaningful experiences.
i think that art has many functions and it’s hard to overestimate the role of art in one’s life. art has great influence on our souls, feelings, forms our moral values. art forms our outlook and enriches our inner world. art influences greatly the development and of evolution of consciousness of a person and of the mankind. art makes us think of the sense of life, how people must live, what is ideal of beauty, what is love the eternal questions. art helps us to understand people who lived hundred years ago and to learn the history of the humankind. art creates our notion about beauty and harmony. art helps people to understand outside world and each other. art develops our good qualities. art has a great educational significance. art brings people up - makes them more humane and kind.
it is natural that the first thing that comes to my mind at the mention of the word ‘art’ is museums. a museum is a stock of the world’s masterpieces, it is the place, where you can enrich knowledge, you can look at the achievements of mankind, you can satisfy your aesthetic taste. museums give the possibility to be always in touch with the past and every time discover something new for yourself. besides, museums play an important role in the life of any nation. a museum is just the right place to find out lots of interesting things about history, traditions and habits of different peoples. one may find in museums papers, photos, books, scripts, works of art, personal things of famous people etc. all this helps us to understand historical events, scientific discoveries, character and deeds of well-known personalities better. i think museums somehow effect the formation of personality, his outlook. every educated person is sure to understand the great significance of museums in our life; you may go to your favourite museum, relax there with your body and soul and acquire inner harmony and balance.