The history of the Internet began with the development of computers in the 1950s and the emergence of scientific and applied concepts of global computer networks almost simultaneously in different countries, primarily in scientific and military laboratories in the United States, Great Britain and France. The principles of the Internet were first applied in network ARPANET, created in 1969 by order of the American agency DARPA. Using the developments of ARPANET, in 1984 the US National Science Foundation created the NSFNET network for communication between universities and computing centers. Unlike the closed ARPANET, the NSFNET connection was fairly loose and by 1992 more than 7,500 small networks were connected to it, including 2,500 outside the United States. With the transfer of the NSFNET backbone to commercial use, the modern Internet emerged.
Life today seems to be much better than 50 years ago. It became much easier to do many basic things. For example, people don't have to wash clothes without a washing machine. There is a microwave, a vacuum cleaner, a dishwasher, an electric cooker almost in every house. Modern technology has fully changed our lives to the better. Fifty years ago people couldn't even imagine that household chores would be done by smart appliances. To think only, they didn't know that computers would instantly send messages, take photos, or allow making video calls. Nobody had cell phones back then. On the one hand, it might have been difficult to live without these gadgets. On the other hand, children were much happier without cell phones and hand-held computers. My grandparents often tell me about their childhood and youth. They say it was a happy time and people were different.People of their generation weren't commercially-minded at all. Our generation lives at the era of consumerism. We don’t value things and clothes that much. When we break or spoil something, we go to the store and easily buy a new one. My grandmother tells that she could wear the same pair of shoes for ten years and more, while I want to buy new shoes almost every season. Women’s rights have also been modified. Fifty years ago they were supposed to be diligent housewives. Today women are seen at many high positions. They can be leading lawyers, politicians, financiers, top managers and superintendants. Another modern step forward is the development of travel opportunities. It has become faster, cheaper and more convenient to travel from one country to another. It is beneficial nearly for everyone: international students, curious adults, international commerce and trade, etc.
Промышленности, которая также анализирует рынки для промышленных товаров, а также политики различных предприятий. Степень концентрации и барьеров выхода на рынок новых конкурентов уже были проанализированы отраслевая экономика для таких важных отраслях экономики как добыча полезных ископаемых, газовой и нефтяной промышленности и др. Поведение фирм и компаний в отрасли влияет структура отрасли. Как прибыль, так и потери в любой отрасли влияют на поведение фирм и компаний, занятых в отрасли.
"Экономика энергетики" известен также другой важной областью прикладной экономики тесно связана с промышленным экономики. Много энергии был использован в современной экономике в последние десятилетия. Ферм, фабрик, заводов, транспорта, а также семей значительно возросло потребление различных источников энергии, поскольку новое современное оборудование и технологии были внедрены.
В дрова и уголь используются в качестве основных источников энергии. Затем, эти источники были заменены газа и нефти в большинстве отраслей промышленности. Однако, в 1970-х источников энергии стало не хватать и стало расти цены на энергоносители. С этого времени серьезные коррективы были сделаны промышленными странами для того, чтобы справиться с энергетическим дефицитом.
За последние несколько десятилетий проблемы экономики энергетики были обсуждены специалистами и правительства многих стран. Регулярные встречи проводятся по OPEC1 формируется в целях регулирования цены на нефть.
The history of the Internet began with the development of computers in the 1950s and the emergence of scientific and applied concepts of global computer networks almost simultaneously in different countries, primarily in scientific and military laboratories in the United States, Great Britain and France. The principles of the Internet were first applied in network ARPANET, created in 1969 by order of the American agency DARPA. Using the developments of ARPANET, in 1984 the US National Science Foundation created the NSFNET network for communication between universities and computing centers. Unlike the closed ARPANET, the NSFNET connection was fairly loose and by 1992 more than 7,500 small networks were connected to it, including 2,500 outside the United States. With the transfer of the NSFNET backbone to commercial use, the modern Internet emerged.