1 группа (правильные):
2 группа (неправильные):
1) Leonardo did not work in Italy
1) Leonardo did not work in Italywhat Leonardo did not do in Italy?
1) Leonardo did not work in Italywhat Leonardo did not do in Italy?2) He didn't spend his years in France
1) Leonardo did not work in Italywhat Leonardo did not do in Italy?2) He didn't spend his years in Francewhere he has not spent the last years?
1) Leonardo did not work in Italywhat Leonardo did not do in Italy?2) He didn't spend his years in Francewhere he has not spent the last years?3) Leonardo was not a genius
1) Leonardo did not work in Italywhat Leonardo did not do in Italy?2) He didn't spend his years in Francewhere he has not spent the last years?3) Leonardo was not a geniuswho was not Leonardo?
1) Leonardo did not work in Italywhat Leonardo did not do in Italy?2) He didn't spend his years in Francewhere he has not spent the last years?3) Leonardo was not a geniuswho was not Leonardo?4) He did not construct a calculator
1) Leonardo did not work in Italywhat Leonardo did not do in Italy?2) He didn't spend his years in Francewhere he has not spent the last years?3) Leonardo was not a geniuswho was not Leonardo?4) He did not construct a calculatorthat he did not construct?
1) Leonardo did not work in Italywhat Leonardo did not do in Italy?2) He didn't spend his years in Francewhere he has not spent the last years?3) Leonardo was not a geniuswho was not Leonardo?4) He did not construct a calculatorthat he did not construct?5) Leonardo did not write backwards in "mirror writing."
1) Leonardo did not work in Italywhat Leonardo did not do in Italy?2) He didn't spend his years in Francewhere he has not spent the last years?3) Leonardo was not a geniuswho was not Leonardo?4) He did not construct a calculatorthat he did not construct?5) Leonardo did not write backwards in "mirror writing."what Leonardo did not do backwards?
She saw a whale two days ago.
Two days ago - два дня назад. Говорит о
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Saw - вторая форма глагола See.