найдите в предложениях ошибки, поставьте верный предлог движения. 1. the vase has just fallen along the stairs. (ibara только что упала вниз по лестнице. 2. our bus is going from istanbul till ankara, (наш автобус едет из стамбула в анкару. ) 3. i saw richard when i came away from the office. (я увидел ричарда, когда вошел в офис, ) 4. i've got so many bags that i can't get toward the taxi. (у меня так много сумок, что я не могу влезть в такси. ) 5. matt swam around the english channel last summer, (мэтт переплыл пролив ла-манш летом.
Thank you for your letter.
Wanting to make their lives easier people have invented so many new devices and factories, that nature is in danger.Unfortunately, environment is not the unlimited source of resources. People should start dealing with these problems immediately. The most important thing they can do is to change their attitude towards the environment.First of all, people should switch to alternative forms of power, such as wind power or solar energy.Secondly, the use of nuclear power should be banned.hirdly, we should start to recycle. It’s the art of turning waste into new products.Other than that, the number of harmful plants should be reduced because they pollute the air and water. greatly.