Наверное так On Friday it was raining the whole morning and we decided to go to Madame Tussauds. When we got to the museum it was already 11 am. From 11 to 12.30 we were standing in line for tickets. For the next two hours we were going from room to room and watching the wax models of famous people. While I was taking a photo of Michael Jackson, my friend said,''I want a photo with Michael Jackson'' during our excursions I could hear from different rooms, ''I want a photo with Beckham , I want a photo with Leonardo Di Caprio. Look! I want a photo with the Queen! ''The models were great and we had a great time at the museum. We got to the hotel at 3.
Дорогой Джой , Как дела? Это мой день рождения в следующую субботу , и я вечеринка в моем доме . Почему вы не пришли? Мы здорово провели это время ! Я обычно украшаю свой дом с большим количеством красочных воздушных шаров, и мы все играем некоторые большие дискотечные игры . Тогда есть еда . Моя мама хорошо готовит , и она делает много вкусной еды . Мы , как правило, готовим пиццу с ветчиной , беконом, грибами и перцем, ветчиной и сыром или с тунцом бутерброды и даже салаты различных видов . Существует всегда много сока , апельсиновый и яблочный сок , и в мой день рождения мы ели торт. , Конечно, я люблю шоколад , так что всегда едим шоколадный торт . Таким образом, я действительно надеюсь, что вы можете придти ! Дискотека начинается в шесть часов . Не опаздывайте ! Люблю, Хелен
On Friday it was raining the whole morning and we decided to go to Madame Tussauds. When we got to the museum it was already 11 am. From 11 to 12.30 we were standing in line for tickets. For the next two hours we were going from room to room and watching the wax models of famous people. While I was taking a photo of Michael Jackson, my friend said,''I want a photo with Michael Jackson'' during our excursions I could hear from different rooms, ''I want a photo with Beckham , I want a photo with Leonardo Di Caprio. Look! I want a photo with the Queen! ''The models were great and we had a great time at the museum. We got to the hotel at 3.