A lot of teens go in for different kinds of sport. Sport helps them to feel as fit as a fiddle. In both countries there are special programmes for problem teenagers, such as a high-risk activities, for example they are taught to jump out of aeroplanes. But despite the increase in the number of teens participating in sport, the majority of young people still prefer to be spectators. They prefer to be couch potatoes. Watching sports on TV is a popular leisure activity, as is going to football matches on Saturday. Cinemas have been redesigned with four or more screens, each showing a different film at the same time, and a lot of teens like going to the cinemas too.
Дорогой друг, Любезно напоминаем, Вы всё ещё имеете неоплаченный заказ, китайская почта не будет работать в следующий понедельник, итак, любой неоплаченный заказ, не будет иметь времени, для того, чтобы быть отправленым раньше CNY*, надеемся на Ваше добродушное понимание и огромную Сэнди.
Возможно и немного по иному: "Вы всё ещё имеете неоплаченный заказ" - вы все еще имеете заказ, который не получил оплаты.
*CNY - простите, что это за аббревиатуры, я, к сожалению, не знаю.
Description of a crocodile. The length of a larger number of crocodiles 2-4 meters, but some specimens up to 5.5 meters. Their appearance speaks of its adaptation to living in water conditions: flat head with a long snout, flattened body, a powerful, compressed from sides tail, rather short legs. The fore limbs of a crocodile has 5 fingers on the back - 4 (no little finger), the United membranes. The eyes are located in the upper part of the head, so that the animal could look out of the water, putting out only the nostrils and eyes. Under water nostrils and auricles moving close the valves.
A lot of teens go in for different kinds of sport. Sport helps them to feel as fit as a fiddle. In both countries there are special programmes for problem teenagers, such as a high-risk activities, for example they are taught to jump out of aeroplanes. But despite the increase in the number of teens participating in sport, the majority of young people still prefer to be spectators. They prefer to be couch potatoes. Watching sports on TV is a popular leisure activity, as is going to football matches on Saturday. Cinemas have been redesigned with four or more screens, each showing a different film at the same time, and a lot of teens like going to the cinemas too.