People and companies hire lawyers to give them advice and to tell them what they can and can't do under the law. Sometimes, they hire lawyers to take their side in court against other people or companies, or against the government.
Lawyers spend a lot of time doing research. To be a good lawyer, a person must be good at finding facts in books, on computers, and in other places. Lawyers also interview people to get information.
After doing research, lawyers make arguments to show that the people they work for should win in court. Some lawyers speak in court. But many lawyers don't.
Lawyers also spend time writing. They write their arguments. Lawyers also write legal documents like contracts and wills. They need to be very specific.
Lawyers do most of their work in offices, law libraries, and courtrooms. They sometimes meet in clients' homes or businesses. Some lawyers meet clients in hospitals or prisons. Lawyers often work long hours, especially during a trial in court.
1 'Ты знаешь кого-нибудь на этой вечеринке? «Они спросили меня, знаю ли я кого-нибудь на вечеринке
2. «Как долго вы будете в Италии, Саймон? Она. , ,
3. Джо, сколько бабочек они нашли? 'Он..
4. «Можете ли вы сказать мне свой пароль? «Папа ...
5. «Что ты хочешь на день рождения? ' Oни. ,
на англиском
1 'Do you know anyone at this party? “They asked me if I knew anyone at the party
2. “How long will you be in Italy, Simon? She. ,,
3. Joe, how many butterflies did they find? 'Is he..
4. “Can you tell me your password? "Dad ...
5. “What do you want for your birthday? 'They. ,
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