If someone gives me a chance to make a new world, I'll build by my own fantasy! Now I'm going to tell you about it! Everybody'll can change the weather for his own condision. There will be some types of your life: sport, work, travel, nothing to do and mix. If you chose "Sport" you'll have a lot of exercises in your life, a lot of activity and you'll always keep fit. If you chose "work", you'll work all day long, but you'll have a lot of money and beautiful life. Of course, you will have free-time. If you chose "travel", you'll always wake up in other place and have a mission. It will be great fun! If you chose "Nothing to do"... Wel... I'll have nothing: no home, no family, no pet... Anything. I think, it's awful. And if you chose "Mix" you'll have something from these types every day. Day for sport, work, travel and a day for anything. In my opinion, my world will be perfect! So, wish me luck!
If someone gives me a chance to make a new world, I'll build by my own fantasy! Now I'm going to tell you about it! Everybody'll can change the weather for his own condision. There will be some types of your life: sport, work, travel, nothing to do and mix. If you chose "Sport" you'll have a lot of exercises in your life, a lot of activity and you'll always keep fit. If you chose "work", you'll work all day long, but you'll have a lot of money and beautiful life. Of course, you will have free-time. If you chose "travel", you'll always wake up in other place and have a mission. It will be great fun! If you chose "Nothing to do"... Wel... I'll have nothing: no home, no family, no pet... Anything. I think, it's awful. And if you chose "Mix" you'll have something from these types every day. Day for sport, work, travel and a day for anything. In my opinion, my world will be perfect! So, wish me luck!
him - ему
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