Живи высоко! На юге Англии , недалеко от Суррея , Элспет Бирд , известный архитектор получил очень необычный дом . Это башня Уэйтс , 130 футов * в высоту. Этому дому около ста лет . В башне шесть этажей . На первом этаже находится приемная . Спальни на первом, втором и третьем этажах . Все они получили собственные ванные комнаты. Кухня находится на четвертом этаже и гостиная находится на пятом этаже . До крыши 148 шагов, 88 до кухню и 113 до гостиной . Это отличный поддерживать себя в форме , когда нет лифта . Это цена, которую вы платите за высокую жизнь (жизнь на высоте или верхних этажах)!
I would like to tell you a horrible story. One night it seemed to me that there was someone besides me in my room. I opened my eyes and saw a woman's shade at the window . She was very tall, thin and she stretched out her arms to me. I was scared and I screamed so loud as I could. I was sitting on the bed and crying. Suddenly my parents ran into my room. They were very frightened. Dad turned on the light, and I stopped screaming. It turned out that in the afternoon, my mother brought a huge palm tree in a large pot from the hall into my room and she put it behind the curtains. That night there was full moon, and it seemed to me that it was a woman... I have never been so bad as that night
1. There is a shelf on the wall.
2. There are two stools under the table.
3. There is carpet in the room
4. There are two sofas in the living room
5. There is a dog in the house
6. There is a vase on the table
7. There is a map on the blackboard
8. There is a lamp on the desk