Післятекстові завдання
Вправа 1
Замініть вирази українською на англійські аналоги, використовуючи активну лексику заняття. Зробіть письмовий переклад українською мовою.
1. The Primary School Leaving Certificate Examination (PSLCE) оцінює досягнення в успішності at the Primary School level.
2. The PSLCE is written by дорослими людьми або підлітками who не закінчили primary school.
3. The Examination covers the наступні дисципліни: розуміння англійської мови, твір, mathematics, science and social studies.
4. The PSLCE проводяться щороку on Tuesday and Wednesday of the third week in June.
5. Результати іспитів are released in early September.
6. How do I зареєструюсь to write the PSLCE?
7. Реєстрація має місце from January through March for the exam, which is held annually in June.
essay on " school of the future"
i often think about what the school will look like in a few decades. it seems to me that the school of the future will be very different. progress will reach educational institutions. our descendants will definitely not carry dozens of textbooks, because the e-book will come to the rescue. the schools will be technically equipped.
perhaps teachers in the classroom will use 3d technology. how wonderful it would be to dive into a history lesson in a past era! students will be able to choose the subjects they like. of course, first, everyone will receive a basic education, and then they will go on profiles. the school of the future is a humane, high - tech and unusual educational institution.