My favourite sport is tennis. It is really an amazing game. There are many rules, which you should follow. If you play in pair or double, they will slightly change.
Each player uses a special tennis racket that is strung to strike a ball over a net and into the opponent's court. The aim of the game is to play the ball in such a way that the opponent is not able to play a good return. Tennis is an Olympic sport and it is played at all levels of society and at all ages. This kind of sport can be played by anyone who can hold a racket, including people in wheelchairs, but they have to move very quickly. The modern tennis originally comes from Birmingham and since 1880 the rules didn't change a lot. Many people enjoy watching tennis, especially tournaments of the Grand Slam, which are also called Majors: Australian Open, Roland Garros (France), Wimbledon (Great Britain) and US Open.
Длятысячелетий, люди жили в гармонии с окружающей средой. Но сразвитие цивилизации, вмешательство человека в природу начал расти. Теперь мыжить в мире, полном различных видов загрязнения. потому чтожелая облегчить жизнь, люди придумали так много новых устройств изаводы, что природа находится в опасности. дляНапример, кислотные дожди, что является результатом выхлопных газах электростанций. такиедожди привести к повреждению лесов. дикийМир также страдает. многиевидов животных и растений начинают исчезать. людинужно начать немедленно решить эти проблемы. потому чточто планета Земля - наш дом. Мы должны заботиться о нем для себя и будущегопоколений.
Each chooses friends , but you can not make friends : without understanding friendship does not happen. With a true friend is easier to live in the world , it is easier to overcome difficulties. Friends of the man does not happen much , because unless you can open many a soul to talk about their experiences ? How do you find such a man? Perhaps , above all, most have to be honest , to be able to sympathize , rejoice in the success of the other. We must be demanding not only to others, but to themselves . In my friends I like the exposure, knowledge , sense of humor , kindness . Sometimes I miss those values, but my friends are always there with me . I believe in them , because our friendship is tested in difficult situations.
My favourite sport is tennis. It is really an amazing game. There are many rules, which you should follow. If you play in pair or double, they will slightly change.
Each player uses a special tennis racket that is strung to strike a ball over a net and into the opponent's court. The aim of the game is to play the ball in such a way that the opponent is not able to play a good return. Tennis is an Olympic sport and it is played at all levels of society and at all ages. This kind of sport can be played by anyone who can hold a racket, including people in wheelchairs, but they have to move very quickly. The modern tennis originally comes from Birmingham and since 1880 the rules didn't change a lot. Many people enjoy watching tennis, especially tournaments of the Grand Slam, which are also called Majors: Australian Open, Roland Garros (France), Wimbledon (Great Britain) and US Open.