1) Служащие заканчивают работу в шесть часов вечера.
Employees finish their work at six in the evening.
2) Я говорю сейчас по телефону.
I am talking on the phone now.
3) Что Вы будете делать завтра в 10 утра?
What will you be doing tomorrow morning at 10 ?
1) That firm is carrying on negotiations for the purchase of computers.Эта фирма ведет переговоры о покупке компьютеров.
2) The steamer sails tomorrow.Пароход отплывает завтра.
3) At present he is working with a big trade firm. В настоящее время он работает в большой торговой фирме.
2. He reached his house at… midnight and stared at… her in… amazement.
3. She made a great impression on… me.
4. Just before Christmas they decided to pass through… London on… their way to… Paris.
5. He wrote his resignation …as the chairman …of the board of… directors,
in… order that he should be prepared to hand it to… him at… once.
5. Two young girls in… red came …in .
6. I beg your pardon for… calling you …by your name.
7. He will suffer no one to interfere in… his business.