First aid is immediate simple medical care given to a victim of an accident or an illness before professional
medical treatment can be given. First aid can save lives,
but only if the person administering it knows what they
are doing. It is based on the principle of the three 'Ps':
prevent further injury, preserve life and promote recovery.
One of the most common situations at the scene of
an accident is to find someone lying unconscious on
the ground. In this instance, your priority is to call for
the emergency services. Next, you must make sure
that the area is safe for yourself and others. Check the
casualty, and if they are breathing, try to put them in
the recovery position and do not adjust the position
of their head and neck. The recovery position keeps
the victim's airways open and prevents them from
choking while waiting for medical help.
To place someone in the recovery position, follow
the simple steps shown on the left.
Job:Find words in the text which mean : person who has been hurt, to maintain, case, to alter, softly