Invisibility, flight, the power to split into multiple bodies... these superhuman abilities have long been associated with ninjas. But ninjas didn’t really do all that stuff. They were just regular people with exceptional abilities. So why do people think that ninjas had super powers? Well, one reason is that ninjas were very secretive. They left behind few historical records of their activities. Since we do not know much about what they actually did, we are left to speculate. Another reason why people think that ninjas had superhuman abilities is because of how ninjas are depicted in folklore (particularly during the Edo period in Japan). In such legends and works of art, ninjas were mythicized and romanticized. In other words, writers gave ninjas super powers. Romantic notions of ninjas as superhero are perpetuated in today's media too. Maybe that’s just because people expect ninjas to have supernatural abilities these days. Ki-yah! SUMMARIZE THE TEXT
- И как ты его покормила?
- Я подогрела немного молока и дала ему в бутылочке.
- Ему понравилось?
- Да. Он всегда хочет добавки. Посмотри на него сейчас.
- Он прекрасен, не так ли? Какой замечательное домашнее животное!
- Домашнее животное! Он не домашнее животное. Он должен вернутся в своей маме и жить в зоопарке с другими тиграми.
- Есть ли у тебя какие-либо другие животные ребенка в зоопарке?
- Да, у нас много есть. И все они занимают много моего времени.
- Ой, простите нас Мы заняли много вашего времени тоже вам большое.
- Да, большое - большое Пока!
- Пока! Приходи посмотреть на зверушек в другой денек!